seriously. for the past 36 hours? shock i think.
when we came home from the ultrasound tuesday night, i couldn't get warm or stop shaking.i just kept looking at the ultrasound pictures and kind of zoning out. :)
first, before i tell the story, i want to say THANK YOU to you all. for each and every comment. i read them all. every single one. several times. thank you for the love, the encouragement, the prayers, the excitement...well, just thank you for being YOU. you guys are the best.
okay. so i had my very first ultrasound tuesday afternoon (evening, thanks army..after waiting for hours. HA!). jimmy was there, he left work to be there.
i was worried there would be something heartbeat, and i wanted him with me.
all along i've been praying for a healthy baby, a strong heartbeat, and well, those prayers were answered weren't they? but i'm getting ahead of myself...
our doctor was a precious young captain. she spread the jelly on my stomach and said...
"okay, let's see here....there the baby is! yes, this looks like a healthy single intrauterine pregnancy!"
and there was the baby, clear as day, and i said something like
she started recording the heartbeat and then kind of started to get flustered.
she kind of ran out of the room to get another machine...and at this point i'm crying/ laughing/freaking hysteria. and j has the biggest grin on his face and won't stop kissing me.
(background: he has a family history of twins in every generation. his brother was a twin, aunts are twins, etc etc)
the doctor comes back with the other machine...and there they are clear as day.
numero uno:
and numero dos:
and i'm shaking.
my legs are shaking so hard that the ENTIRE table is shaking.
i don't know what i said.
may or may not have been something requiring a BEEP.
and we were laughing.
and the doctor was laughing...her first twins.
she congratulated us, we congratulated her.
and the girls? were confused. well they know there are two babies, but they don't "get" it. how could they? i'm not sure I get it. HEE~!
harper said " WHAT? THAT'S AMAZING!!!". but i still don't think she gets it.
so there you have it.
i have been referred to a new OB and next week will have a special ultrasound to determine more.
will we find out the genders? yes. i'm only 3 months pregnant, so we have a bit...but yes.
will jimmy be home for the birth? yes...with plenty of time to spare.
due date? dec. 17.
what does j think? he's over the moon . hasn't stop grinning i don't think.
now i'm focusing on a healthy pregnancy. staying pregnant as LONG as possible and getting those babies as BIG as possible.
i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
lots of things going through my (our) head(s).
if it's two girls? FOUR WEDDINGS!
think of the diapers! the wipes...the burp cloths!
new minivan is now a must!
am i going to go crazy? i can't wait...but i'm scared!
we are THRILLED. and still processing.
and crying with joy and disbelief.
thank you for your love and encouragement!
I am seriously over the moon for your family! I am thrilled for you stephanie! I will enjoy seeing this process and meeting your beautiful twins in December (or NOvember if they come that early) and I cannot wait! it's going to be wonderful, beautiful, fascinating and I cannot think of a better mommy to care for them! sooooooooo excited! i cannot get over it!!! YAY!!! tara
Posted by: tara pakosta | 05/27/2010 at 08:03 AM
I am so so excited for all 4 of you! You are a strong woman and you CAN do this-don't doubt yourself!! What HE has planned for you will happen the way HE wants it to so hold on for the ride of your life! You thought you were pregnant with twins?? You must tell that story~just a feeling you had? I am also excited to enjoy this journey with you:) XOXO to all of you!!
Posted by: Holly S | 05/27/2010 at 08:03 AM
oh i loved reading this!! so exciting and so thrilled for you. i prob would have reacted the same way on the exam table!!!! Praying for you all and those sweet babies!
Posted by: Jenni Hufford | 05/27/2010 at 08:12 AM
heeeeee! so happy for you guys - it couldn't happen to a better set of parents. And I suppose there's no hope they'd wait to arrive on my birthday (Dec. 21) but I am going to pray they are December babies, at any rate. :) Love to you all!!!
Posted by: Lisa Dickinson | 05/27/2010 at 08:21 AM
my heart is bursting for you and your family, steph!!! :)
i will pray for a safe, healthy and happy pregnancy for all!! your little, christmas miracles!!
what joy!
Posted by: lauren | 05/27/2010 at 08:33 AM
You totally brought tears to my eyes this morning. I'm so happy for you and your lovely family, and you all will continue to be in my prayers. God Bless!
Posted by: Sarah K | 05/27/2010 at 08:35 AM
Such a wonderful story Stephanie! So excited for you, J, and the girls! I am praying for healthy babies, of course, but I can't help but hope for boys... you know I'm a bit biased since I have 3 of those! In any case, I keep thinking of our convo on the bus (when you were so green it was scary) about how J will have to leave the house during THAT time of the month... yes, I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed for boys! Heeeee! Sooooo giddy for all of you! Sending light, love, and prayers your way!!!
Posted by: Teri D. | 05/27/2010 at 08:43 AM
just over the moon excited for you!!!!
Posted by: heather | 05/27/2010 at 08:44 AM
wow! Congratulations!!
Posted by: Casey | 05/27/2010 at 08:46 AM
oh I cannot wait to find out if they are girls or boys or maybe one of each!!! Congrats again and take care of the three of you!
Posted by: Melinda K | 05/27/2010 at 08:47 AM
So so so exciting - I'm so happy for you!
Posted by: Megan (Best of Fates) | 05/27/2010 at 08:49 AM
Congratulations. Two more blessings in your house already filled with so much love. You and Jimmy are very lucky! Enjoy. I will enjoy reading about your pregnancy!!
Posted by: Susan | 05/27/2010 at 08:49 AM
What a great story!!! You are going to have so much with these two just like with the two girlies now :)
Posted by: jennifer b | 05/27/2010 at 08:55 AM
Congratulations! Your story is so amazing and such a blessing to experience! Wishing you all well!
Posted by: Ashley Cannon Newell | 05/27/2010 at 09:00 AM
Oh how exciting for you - two sweet healthy babies! Congrats to your family!
Posted by: Stacey | 05/27/2010 at 09:00 AM
So so very happy for you! Goose bumps just reading your story! Congratulations!!!
Posted by: Tammy | 05/27/2010 at 09:01 AM
CONGRATS Howell family-
Steph we need to talk
cause you know I have twins
and when they were born Justin was 2 and Taylor was 4
So yeah- once you get over the shock
it will all work out for the best
Posted by: wendysmedley | 05/27/2010 at 09:04 AM
Stephanie!! That flippin ROCKS! Congratulations! So happy for you!
Posted by: Ashley Harris | 05/27/2010 at 09:04 AM
Oh my gosh!!!!
Thanks to your beautifully-written post, I have mascara running down my cheeks- AT WORK!!!
Posted by: Kelly Jo | 05/27/2010 at 09:05 AM
Wow, a DOUBLE Congratulations!!! I remember hearing those words as well - words can't even describe it ☻
I'm soo very happy for you!!! What a wonderful blessing!
☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻
Posted by: Sarah | 05/27/2010 at 09:06 AM
WHOA! This is fantastic! Congratulations to both you an J!
Posted by: Meghann | 05/27/2010 at 09:07 AM
Oh, this is soooo exciting for your family!!! Double congrats!!! So fun reading your reaction!! :)
Posted by: Amy H | 05/27/2010 at 09:09 AM
You would have most definitely had to BEEP my comments!
Out of sheer joy, but BEEP them nonetheless!
And make it December 18th, okay? (That's MY b'day, in case you couldn't guess!)
Posted by: krys72599 | 05/27/2010 at 09:23 AM
Wow, Steph! This is just so exciting! It's going to be so much fun to hear all that transpires with you and your family on this one! :) So, so, so, so happy for you all!!!!
Posted by: Jen Davis | 05/27/2010 at 09:23 AM
Congratulations times two! I'm sure this is a shock but you are a fantastic mother & your nest will be quite full of chickies. I was hoping for a boy so Jimmy could have reinforcements in your house of pink, but maybe things will be all even. Take good care of yourself & love all those chickies.
Posted by: Ginny C. | 05/27/2010 at 09:28 AM
I have been reading your blog for a while and oh my goodness I am so excited for you. I am a mother of twins I had a boy and girl. My husband is also in the military! Trust me you will get through this you are tough if you can get through deployments you can do anything! What will be hard for you is you have two little girls to take care of and try to get your rest at the same time. I only have the twins and I don't know what it would be like to have to take care of kiddos plus carry two more challenging but you can do it. Scary but with lots of prayer you can get through it. If you have any help what so ever anyone that would volunteer and you feel comfortable with you need to use them!!!! I will tell you this twins were hard for me when they were babies and trying to meet all their demands but honestly it is the most wonderful experience and I wouldn't trade it for anything once they get past 6 months it is smooth sailing b/c they are the best of friends and they love each other so much. It is the sweetest thing to witness their closeness. Harper will be able to help and entertain them too so that will be a huge help to you. Don't be hard on yourself use the help if it is offered I did not do that and got very sickly I am a control freak. With God you can do this I have been praying for you! Be determined you will get those babies as big as you possibly can listen to the doctor and do exactly as he/she tells you. Your body is no longer yours it belongs to "them" now and do whatever you can to get them big and healthy! Stay calm go with the flow and enjoy every moment of this pregnancy it is so sweet, so precious they are your little miracles now let them grow!!!!! Best Wishes!!!
Posted by: Michele Uptegrove | 05/27/2010 at 09:41 AM
Congrats! That's so exciting! (and frightening!) It's funny - one of my friends from work is expecting also and she pretty much found out the same day, had her ultrasound the same day, and has the same due date as you! Although she's not having twins! =)
Posted by: Kathryn Reynolds | 05/27/2010 at 10:01 AM
God is soooo good!
Posted by: Missy | 05/27/2010 at 10:04 AM
I can't think of anyone more deserving of such a blessing! I'm so excited to read all about it. :)
Posted by: Sarah | 05/27/2010 at 10:06 AM
Twice Blessed!!!!
Huge congrats to your whole family!
Posted by: Janell | 05/27/2010 at 10:11 AM
Oh my! Congratulations! Remember, it's always okay to ask for help when you need it. Take care - how wonderful!
Posted by: Pam K | 05/27/2010 at 10:33 AM
I am so happy for you guys! I don't know what it is about your blog posts, but you always seem to make me tear up! hehehe Praying for a healthy pregnancy and healthy babies for you!
Posted by: Jennifer Moore | 05/27/2010 at 10:34 AM
I have a question for you! (Just one??) What about the bedroom? I'm so happy for all of you!
Posted by: Stephanie | 05/27/2010 at 10:41 AM
Wow, I can't imagine what you feel like!! A friend of mine has just given birth to identical twin girls. Fantastic - lots of hard work but they bring each other up too! I hope you will still find time to blog so we don't all miss out on the Howell Pride. Take care xxx
Posted by: Liza, UK | 05/27/2010 at 10:51 AM
I carried my twins to 39 weeks and we went home from hospital two days later. I wasn't on bedrest but I lay down a lot for most of the pregnancy -- just following my instinct and listening to my body.
The book said to eat a ton and gain tons of weight, but my body just wasn't in for that, and so I just went with my appetite. I gained quite a bit, but it ALL came off as soon as they were born (full sized babies, both of them).
Not that you asked for my advice or anything...
Posted by: Lonely Scrapbooker | 05/27/2010 at 10:57 AM
Oh, congratulations! What a fun post, I found myself sitting here with a big smile on my face while I read it!
You are so blessed! :)
Posted by: .Rebecca Jane. | 05/27/2010 at 10:58 AM
My favorite part? That your husband kissed you repeatedly!! So very very very special - all of it!
We will all be here to help you through all the sane and insane moments!!
Posted by: Andi Sexton | 05/27/2010 at 11:07 AM
happy. happy happy happy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: kelly | 05/27/2010 at 11:10 AM
So exctiting!!
What a special Christmas this year will be.
Harper and Sadie will be the best big sisters ever, I just know it!!! Although I still can't wait to hear what Harper says when she REALLY gets what happening.
Love to you all!
Posted by: Mary Ann | 05/27/2010 at 11:22 AM
sooooo exciting! I am so happy for you guys. Dec 17 is Madison's birthday! though, I am sure you won't make it that long! :) I think 4 girls would be SOOO much fun! 3 sure is!
Posted by: Danielle Calhoun | 05/27/2010 at 11:29 AM
I'm a faithful blog stalker...hardly ever comment, but wanted to say huge congrats!! I don't have any kids yet, but twins run in both mine AND my husband's family, so I'm a little nervous about the possibilities ahead of me! I'm looking forward to keeping up with your journey over the next few months! :)
Congrats again! Have a blessed day.
Posted by: Julie | 05/27/2010 at 11:34 AM
Enjoy the moment. Take care of you and your babies( all four of them). Rest sweet girl you are already a wonderful Mama. It will be just fine.
Posted by: Katrina of Southern California | 05/27/2010 at 11:39 AM
Congratulations again! I'm sure that you've already done this before but get on the mailing list for Pampers, Huggies, etc. for their coupons.
I'm still hoping for boys! :)
Posted by: slammie | 05/27/2010 at 11:46 AM
bless you! And congrats--you can do it! :)
Posted by: Diana | 05/27/2010 at 11:52 AM
You will have twice the joy, twice the love in these 2 little bundles! I think it will be easier when they arrive than you think now. You're a natural. I'm so happy for you and your family!! Relax, veg out, get used to the idea, don't worry!
Posted by: bluemoon | 05/27/2010 at 11:58 AM
Wow! That is so cool. I prayed mine would be twins. I was blessed with the most perfect singlet and wouldn't trade him for the would but I must say I am a bit envious. That is so very very wonderful for your whole family! Congratulations!
Posted by: Kathleen Loughran | 05/27/2010 at 12:04 PM
4 weddings
4 wedding gowns
8 proms
16 homecomings
numerous mani pedis & trips to the hair salon
more hormones than you can count
so this girl say
stephanie...bring on two more girls
signed....the loving mother of 4 girls
Posted by: paige | 05/27/2010 at 12:06 PM
Life is such an adventure, isn't it?
Posted by: Keshet | 05/27/2010 at 12:22 PM
Congratulations! I love sonagram stories. My granddaughter was 7 when she went with her mom for her sonagram. When the Dr said it was a boy, my granddaughter said, "Look again". She so wanted a sister, not a brother. Today they love each other so much. Your girls will love these new babies too. Try to relax and enjoy these next 6 months and get your Christmas shopping done early!
Posted by: Kathy | 05/27/2010 at 12:59 PM
So excited for all of you...and can't wait to see their little faces. Thanks for sharing your life. It ALWAYS brings a smile to my face!
Posted by: allison Gottlieb | 05/27/2010 at 01:01 PM
This is such a sweet recounting of your revelation! I am so excited for you too. I laughed when I read your blog topper today because I have a feeling you'll need lots of crafting when those sweet things arrive! You are such a great momma, those babies are blessed already! Congratulations! I can't wait to hear everything until their arrival and then after!
Posted by: Sarah | 05/27/2010 at 01:02 PM
So happy for you and your family! Congratulations!
Posted by: Kate | 05/27/2010 at 01:06 PM
What a blessing from God, Stephanie!! Congrats to you and your family...such amazing news!! :D
Posted by: Bethany E. | 05/27/2010 at 01:24 PM
my tip for big babies? lots of mcdonald's. :)
so thrilled for you guys! and what a great christmas gift. that jimmy sure goes all out!
Posted by: melanie | 05/27/2010 at 01:34 PM
Hi Stephanie!! I'm Mary and I live in Greece! I came across your work (which btw is FABULOUS) at SC! Then I visited your blog first time a couple of days ago, just to see more of your projects! I started reading your last posts about your pregnancy (I too am a mother of two, fortunately not twins)... you're very eloquent when it comes to jotting down your thoughts, so your feelings just got through to me. I got excited when I read the big news about the twins and I will be praying that God will grant you a safe pregnancy and a timely labour... I know you know that there are a lot of people who pray for you and I will be one of them! I admire your work and I think your new offsprings will be a great inspiration for you!
Have a nice afternoon! Bye from Greece
Posted by: Melenia | 05/27/2010 at 01:57 PM
It doesn't get more exciting than that, does it? Congrats to you and your family. Can't wait to find out the sex of those two sweet babes!
Posted by: Amy Coose | 05/27/2010 at 02:00 PM
OHHHHHH! Congratulations! I will be praying for you and those sweet peas! What wonderful happy glorious news!
Somehow, I don't think you'll be getting much scrapping done in December! Ha!
I will never let a few days pass w/o checking your miss too much! hee!
Posted by: Jackee | 05/27/2010 at 02:02 PM
I'm very happy for you and J and the girls and think you will carry this through majestically! Can't wait for all the updates too! Enjoy, enjoy!
Posted by: flkipper | 05/27/2010 at 02:17 PM
Your post totally has me in tears! I can't congratulate you enough! SO exciting!
Posted by: Danielle | 05/27/2010 at 02:25 PM
I know it's crazy because I don't know you, but I am SO HAPPY for you!! (and your family!) Your post has me in tears...happy tears!! Congratulations!! Wow...just wow!! :) Take care!!
Posted by: Angie F | 05/27/2010 at 02:31 PM
i'm so excited for you and your family. i'm glad you're feeling so much better. what a happy and exciting time!
Posted by: Cassi | 05/27/2010 at 02:31 PM
Thanks so much for sharing the story Stephanie! I was so curious to hear how it all transpired! I imagine when they arrive the girls will wonder "what the heck"?? Oh to be a fly on the wall when you bring those babes
Congratulations once again!
Posted by: Ki Kruk | 05/27/2010 at 02:38 PM
WOW! WOW! Congrats! Congrats! Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy and two healthy bundles of joy!
Posted by: Chris | 05/27/2010 at 02:48 PM
I was a post partum doula for twins for 4 months and I got so used to taking care of two babies that when I saw Mom's with only one baby I felt sorry for them and thought it was wierd to only have one. Congratulations, you are so blessed.
Posted by: Valerie | 05/27/2010 at 02:57 PM
I have been reading your blog from France since a few months, I am so glad for you.
You are a so close family, I am sure it will be great moments!!!
Posted by: delphine | 05/27/2010 at 03:01 PM
I love, love, love reading your blog. You are so down to earth, so honest, so funny, and so talented. Congrats on two times the good news! I wish you the very best for a long, healthy and comfortable pregnancy.
XOXO - Carrie from Seattle
Posted by: Carrie | 05/27/2010 at 03:08 PM
What wonderful news! I read your blog, but don't often comment. I love that you share your life so honestly. I look forward to hearing about the journey as it unfolds. I will pray for you and a healthy pregnancy.
Posted by: Sara | 05/27/2010 at 03:11 PM
First time I've commented -- and I couldn't NOT leave a comment after I saw the due date. Dec. 17 is my birthday. Congrats on your pregnancy -- those two little ones will be your best Christmas present ever!
Posted by: Jen Spain | 05/27/2010 at 03:16 PM
I'm tearing up just reading your post. I am so utterly HAPPY for YOU, Jimmy, Harper and Sadie. Such a double blessing! Cograts once again!
Posted by: Elizabeth | 05/27/2010 at 03:33 PM
That is great! I am so happy for you. I hope you have a great and safe pregnancy!!!!
Posted by: Gabriela | 05/27/2010 at 03:36 PM
Dude, I know you were really jonesing for the minivan, but there are easier ways to get one than having twins :) :) :)
P.S.- disregard the question about J in my last email, I obviously wrote that before reading here :)
Posted by: Steph H | 05/27/2010 at 03:40 PM
What a cute story! I loved reading this post. You really know how to have fun in life! What a wonderful world this is. :)
Posted by: Colleen Sheehy | 05/27/2010 at 03:48 PM
I'm truly happy for you. Knowing my luck I'd get pregnant again, have twin boys, and end up with 5 boys :) My blessings and happiness are with you and your wonderful family. Thank you so much for sharing.
Posted by: Mariah | 05/27/2010 at 03:51 PM
oh steph!!!! you have such a way with words and sharing your whole self. i love (and admire) that about you. i know you WILL be the best mama to those chickies and twins. you are PERFECT through His strength. i'm over the moon excited for you! how incredibly awesome. :)
Posted by: taniawillis | 05/27/2010 at 03:59 PM
Congratulations to your sweet family!
Not that you want any advice but, I'm a mama of 1-year-old twin girls and I LOVE every minute of it! The first year has definitely been a BLUR. Life definitely became easier when my girls slept through the night at 11 weeks. I'm not going to lie - it was very difficult before then. My daughters are adopted so I didn't breast feed or have to recover from a birth but it was still difficult having a lack of sleep. At least three days a week, my mother-in-law watched the girls for a few hours in the morning so I could go back to bed. It made a world of difference. There is no such thing as "sleep when they sleep" when you have twins. I was doing a mountain of laundry, cleaning and making bottles, etc. I made enough bottles to get through 24 hours (which in the beginning was 16 a day). I used a pitcher and that made it easier. You'll definitely want to get them on schedule...boppies are a life saver. While feeding, I would usually hold one baby and prop the other with a boppy. My husband and I took shifts during the night. He would do that last night feeding and then I was "on call" from midnight to 6 in the morning. I usually had to do 2 feedings during the night and then he got up with them in the morning. He had to go to work so that made the most sense.
You'll definitely want a double stroller. We had the kind that our car seats could attach to and that was also a life saver when I had to go anywhere with the girls since there was no way I could carry both infant seats by myself.
Both of my girls slept in the same crib for the first 3 months and then we put them in separate cribs in the same room. They usually don't wake each other up even now but it does sometime happen.
That's all the tips I can think of now but if I remember anything else I'll pass it along!
Hugs! :)
Posted by: Jill Cornell | 05/27/2010 at 04:06 PM
Thank God for these precious little angels that will be joining your family. I'm overjoyed for all of you and can hardly wait to hear your post on the first words from Harper and Sadie once they are delivered. My sincere congrats to you and yours.
Posted by: Linda R. | 05/27/2010 at 04:19 PM
I loved reading this post, it's super exciting and I can only imagine how you must have been feeling (are feeling). We'll be joining everyone else and praying that the pregnancy goes smoothly and the babies grow to a good size. So glad to hear that j will be back in plenty of time for the birth. I can't stop grinning for you!
Posted by: Rhona | 05/27/2010 at 04:28 PM
I had a 1 1/2 yr old girl when my twin girls were born at 39 weeks....totally doable to keep them in that long. They were both between 6-7 lbs, healthy, and beautiful. You can do it! (once the shock of the whole thing wears off that is.....). Let me know if you need anything!
Posted by: Sherrie M. | 05/27/2010 at 04:29 PM
I am so excited for you! You are amazing!!!!
Posted by: Kirsty | 05/27/2010 at 04:44 PM
Congratulations! You don't know me, but I work with J's Aunt E. I check out your site from time to time. Now I know why E was so excited at work yesterday morning. I can't imagine having twins, but I bet it'll be a great adventure. Good luck to you all!
Posted by: Pphelps | 05/27/2010 at 04:49 PM
I am crying and shaking and smiling at the story- like I was there with you! So utterly amazing...and thank you for sharing your heart with us. SO happy for you!! :)
Posted by: emily | 05/27/2010 at 04:50 PM
Congratulations! I just wanted to let you know that I am the oldest of four. My brother was born 11 months after me. The TWINS arrived 15 months after my brother's birth. My mother survived. We survived. Your girls will survive and most importantly so will you. Again congratulations and I look forward to following this exciting journey.
Posted by: carriegel | 05/27/2010 at 04:58 PM
Congratulations!! I'm so happy for y'all and especially happy to hear that your DH will be back home in time for the happy arrivals!
Here's to happy, healthy pregnancy!
Posted by: Margaret | 05/27/2010 at 05:08 PM
That's pretty much exactly how I found out about my twins. The sigh of relief and then BOOM the whammy! HA! Mine just graduated from high school this past Saturday. Twins are cool. You'll like this a lot. You won't remember too much of the first months of their lives, so take lots of photos, but you'll like it!
Posted by: Seanna | 05/27/2010 at 05:32 PM
love the story steph! i am SO thrilled for you guys! i love to be reminded that when God calls you, He equips you. what a tremendous calling it is to be a mother...and He knows your family and you intimately...He knows you can do this. thank you for including us in your journey :) can't wait to see it continue to unfold. praying!
Posted by: Kimber-Leigh | 05/27/2010 at 05:56 PM
Congrats Stephanie!!! I rad your blog but have never commented...this seems like a great opportunity to start! You are a great Mama to the two you have now and will be just as great with the two coming!!
Posted by: Jody | 05/27/2010 at 05:59 PM
OMG. No wonder you have been so sick!!! WoW!!! I am also speechless. I also can't wait to see how this unfolds, you are just the best story teller. And we will all be here for you along this amazing ride!!
Posted by: Megan Renfree | 05/27/2010 at 06:00 PM
SO extremely happy for you all. It will all work out:) You are truly blessed:) I will pray that all goes well with your pregnancy and that you deliver two healthy babies. It would be SO awesome to add two more girls to your family...well maybe not for J;) Congrats again!!! :)
Posted by: Es | 05/27/2010 at 06:02 PM
Awesome... I know you are beyond freaked! So excited for you J, H and S! I'm praying for strong healthy babies. CONGRATS!
Posted by: Kim L | 05/27/2010 at 06:18 PM
Doubly blessed! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy. My husband is a twin - there is no doubt it is a special bond.
Posted by: Marianne | 05/27/2010 at 06:38 PM
I carried my twins to 36 1/2 weeks (36 is considered full term for twins) and they were 6 lbs each! Listen to your doctors and do everything they tell you to!! I had every problem you could have in a pregnancy but I did everything they told me to do and we had a very successful result! Good luck and God bless!!
Posted by: Angela | 05/27/2010 at 06:58 PM
How incredibly amazing!!! Congratulations on two little bundles or joy! :-)
Posted by: Corey Brock | 05/27/2010 at 07:27 PM
all i can say is "HEE!" :)
Posted by: emily pitts | 05/27/2010 at 07:51 PM
Congrats, such happy news :) You are a good mama, the girls will be happy and such good helpers for you! Remember to rest, rest and then rest some more! Let's hope the twins decide to stay comfy and cozy a good long time, so they come out healthy! What a wonderful Christmas gift for your family!
Posted by: berta | 05/27/2010 at 08:01 PM
#1, My birthday is December 15th. I can say from experience that Saggitarius babies are a LOT of fun!
#2, My brother had twins boys in Septembe, they are a LOT of fun (and easier to share lap time when there are two!)
Posted by: Michelle (from KY) | 05/27/2010 at 08:20 PM
i am so very happy for you! i have twin girls who will be five this summer. just try to take it easy as much as possible. i know this sounds silly, but, i would sit while cooking, washing dishes, etc. i already had three daughters while i was, you have to find ways to be restful while being a mom. you are truly blessed stephanie!
Posted by: jacqueline | 05/27/2010 at 09:04 PM
I really and so excited for you! That explains the ultra morning sickness. I am hoping for at least one little boys for you even though you have the cutest little girls. Make sure to savor each day of your family of four before the babies arrive. From experience I can say four kiddos can get pretty crazy! Congratulations!
Posted by: Rebecca B. | 05/27/2010 at 09:09 PM
All the best to you, what an amazing gift...CONGRATULATIONS!
Posted by: Liz | 05/27/2010 at 09:41 PM
Thank you for sharing all these details with us because you know we were wondering about all this :) Thank you for opening up and sharing your blessings, excitement and also your fears... BIG HUGS and God Bless!!!! Congrats!!!!
Posted by: Vanessa M Santamaria | 05/27/2010 at 09:41 PM
Loved hearing the details. Thanks for sharing! I'm so excited for you and your family!! Will definitely keep you all in my prayers.
Posted by: Leslie | 05/27/2010 at 10:17 PM