the one thing you hear about having twins,
or little ones that are close in age is that the first years are a blur.
things are very blurry around here these days. fuzzy around the edges.
a fast moving blur of bottles and baths and ponytails.
a loud mix of "MOMMY" and "I NEED YOU" and cries and laughter.
most days i can't tell you what day of the week it is. some days i can't tell you my name.
lots of days i don't get a shower. i have to write a post-it for anything i want to remember.
the counters are littered with lists, with to-dos. with good intentions.
and i feel like i'm missing it all.
i feel like i'm so caught up in getting through it, that i'm missing "it".
i don't want to look back one day and not remember anything about these days. these days are precious.
sure, some weeks i just pray for it to get to Friday. so j will be home and i will have adult conversations, a hand to hold, a pair of arms to help.
but sometimes i just sit here, still. a constant point with everything else whirling frantically around me.
shoes flying, girls screaming, laundry piling.
and i think "this is fleeting".
i just sit still, breathe it in (even if "it" means the spitup on my shoulder) and etch it in my mind.
one day it will be trips to the mall, first dates, and i'm too cool for my mother.
one day it will be wedding dresses, grandbabies, and my mom is my best friend.
and i want to remember these days of sticky juice spilled on the floor, sticky hands holding tight to me, sticky notes standing in for my brain.
i want to remember the way my babies smell. the way that silky baby hair feels. the way that it feels to be needed for everything.
to be the one that has the power to make it all better with just a kiss.
i want to remember those tiny voices piping up from the back seat. the broken crayons, the pink everywhere, the barbies scattered, the little tiny bodies snuggled up against my chest.
i want to remember.
Oh so true Steph. The clock moves faster than we think it does.
Posted by: Jacquie D. | 02/11/2011 at 07:52 AM
Beautifully said, Stephanie. Don't worry, you'll remember. Not how hectic it was but the special little things & you never really stop being a mama. My girls are grown but sometimes they still need their mama. My girls are my best friends & each stage in their lives have been special.
Posted by: Ginny | 02/11/2011 at 07:54 AM
As a fellow mom of twins, I know exactly what you are talking about. Just keep taking pictures and doing those pages. They will help you to remember all the little things from this time. You'll treasure them in the future just because of the blur right now. That was my time to take it easier and have time for me when everything was so crazy. I'm so glad I have those pages to look back on now that things aren't quite as crazy.
Posted by: Cari Skuse | 02/11/2011 at 07:55 AM
You will remember because you are writing it down...documenting it....sharing it. It is why I love reading your blog. You will have a rich record incorporating all of your senses that will take you right back...the good, the bad, and the AMAZING! Happy Friday : )
Posted by: Mari | 02/11/2011 at 07:55 AM
Hi Stephanie,
I get to be the first one to comment today! Your post is so lovely and moving and so true! Time does fly by and when you least expect it, your kiddos are 18, 16 and 10. and it does change, some things are very different, you are not the centre of their universe any more, but it's great when they come to tell you what's going on in their lives, when they choose you to share a secret with instead of a friend and it's priceless when we all look at photos of all of us together through the years... And your girls will have lots of pictures you've taken of them and your loving thoughts written down for them. That's a great gift!
As for the post its standing in for your brain, the same happens to me and I don't have babies anymore!!
Anyway, enjoy them every minute, I told you already, your Sadie is just like my Siân and she will be a great friend to you in the future (but will also be the reason why you have grey hair!) and Harper sounds just like me when I was little (so my mum says) and I think I'm not too bad :)
Enjoy the weekend, take care, Mariana
Posted by: Mariana | 02/11/2011 at 07:59 AM
Ha ha! Took so long to write my message to you, that I wasn't the first one to comment after all!! :)
Posted by: Mariana | 02/11/2011 at 08:00 AM
Thank you for this. It is always nice to have such a beautifully written reminder of what is important in this life. And the remembering part--that's where the scrapbooking and blogging comes in.
Take care and know that we, your countless blog readers, are praying for you and your girls and J. We love you, even if we don't "know" you.
Posted by: Kristyn G | 02/11/2011 at 08:06 AM
this is so very sweet and a kind of love only a mother can understand...
It is strange how we constantly wonder if we are good moms? are they missing anything? do they know I love them AS much as I do?
But, at the end of the day they think we are superwoman and they love us so much it hurts just like we do them!
for you it is 4 little hearts, 40 fingers to hold you, 40 toes to run to you, 4 little mouths to say I love you and 4 beautiful little girls to make you smile... and that is PRICELESS
Posted by: leslie | 02/11/2011 at 08:13 AM
As a fellow mom of twins, these words really tugged at my heart! Everything you said was my life just ten years ago...exactly. The photos and words you are using to document this time will be so treasured one day. This amazing journey does get easier, there will be more sleep in your future, and your heart will always remember. Bless you!
Posted by: Diane Knott | 02/11/2011 at 08:16 AM
Beautiful post. Moments like this are so fleeting and thank God for Documentation to savor that moment a little bit more:)
Posted by: Cynthia Friese | 02/11/2011 at 08:16 AM
Stephanie, I totally know how you feel. I have three girls and we do so much to take care of them and our spouse and our house that there is no time for us to just enjoy. My friends all feel the same way. That we're so busy doing it all that we can't "be part of it all" if that makes sense. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I am so happy to be a SAHM and do everything for my family. I do it all, but also get to be there for it all. I wouldn't want anyone else doing the work for me so I have learned that it's just part of our job as a mom. I am grateful that I am able to stay home with the kids. I think when we raise well behaved respectful girls that that is my reward for all that I do. My kids are now 7, 11 and 13 and I am very proud of how they turned out. So when I look back, I know all the work is so worth it! How wonderful that you blog and scrapbook so your children will have all these wonderful memories of childhood. You are doing a fabulous job! Have a great day!
Posted by: Stacey | 02/11/2011 at 08:21 AM
It's the little things in life, treasure every moment even if that moment has passed :)
-Gabi from Savannah, TX
Posted by: Gabrielle Watson | 02/11/2011 at 08:23 AM
Mmmm...thank you for taking me down memory lane! Mommy of 3 grown boys in college, but if I read your blog, and close my eyes (and substitute Barbie for GI Joes), I see it all perfectly. Give your girls peanut butter and jelly-lipped kisses for me! (organic of course :) )
Posted by: Sharon Osborn | 02/11/2011 at 08:35 AM
we all want to remember. i think that is the beauty of of scrapbooking and photography! we can go back and remember the moments. they might not be as fresh; we might not even "remember" something happening, but we will have the page, photo, whatever to remind us of the good life :) i remember being where you are and wanting to seize certain times of their lives b/c i knew i had "missed" other times.
i think we just have to enjoy each day to its fullest--the good, the bad and the ugly b/c it is ALL a gift! :)
cuz they are gonna grow up no matter what!
Posted by: Jen | 02/11/2011 at 08:39 AM
I often think that they days are (very) long, but the weeks & months are short.
You ARE making sure that you remember these things by blogging & photographing it all. Enjoy!
Posted by: Erin M | 02/11/2011 at 08:39 AM
I love...sticky notes standing in for my brain. Good description. BTW...they still stand in for your brain when the kids are big, at least they do for me. :)I miss you. Wish I could be there for your adult conversation and to help hold those girls.
Posted by: Cathy | 02/11/2011 at 08:39 AM
Posted by: Jill E. | 02/11/2011 at 08:40 AM
You have such a great perspective Steph!!
Posted by: marcy | 02/11/2011 at 08:43 AM
I completely understand how you feel. As I have felt the same thing. Life just seems to be whizzing by me and I feel like I am missing those special moments. I, like you, just sit for a moment and take it all in. Because it does go by... FAST! I know I will blink and my 7th grader will be graduating. And, wasn't it just last summer that my oldest graduated from high school?? Nope, it will be 5 years this June!!! How can it be time for her 5 year class reunion??? My littlest goes to preschool this fall and then he will be gone and starting kindergarten before I know it. I love that now my oldest calls me for advice or even just to spend time together with her family, when years past it wasn't cool to hang out with us. I love that her little sister is her friend now. I just wish it wouldn't go by so fast!!
Posted by: Michelle Unruh | 02/11/2011 at 08:45 AM
I felt that way with my second Erin... I barely even have any pics of her as a baby... but amazingly, my little brain has preserved so many memories of happy experiences from that time... thats why I love this hobby.. it gets me to write down, photograph or simply make lists of things
and the day all 4 are in school full time... that is then your time.. and you will be able to catch your breath, slow down and enjoy..
You are taking it all in and living it.. enjoy that process as you are so right... it goes by in the blink of an eye
Posted by: Kim Faucher | 02/11/2011 at 08:49 AM
i always think these same thoughts when i step over toys in the living room or get annoyed that my house doesn't look like grown ups live here anymore. someday i will wish for it all back!! =)
Posted by: kristen welker cox | 02/11/2011 at 08:54 AM
That's why this blogging (and tweeting) and memory making (scrapbooking) is so important. You will remember much more that we oldsters who didn't make a point to journal (with a pen and pencil) and write notes on our pictures (that never got into a photo album)
Posted by: Jill | 02/11/2011 at 08:55 AM
I am so with you on this. I only have one child, and she's 7months old tomorrow. Babies have never been my "thing". I deal better with age 3+ because at least they can tell me what's wrong. So it's been a trial with my baby, just waiting for her to learn things. But I love her, and I am loving my time with her, even if I don't understand why she won't sit up on her own yet. When I can get my scrapbooking time this weekend, I'm doing a layout with a letter to my baby, titled "I Promise" and I'm going to tell her how I promise not to be in a hurry for her to get bigger...because it goes by so fast.
Posted by: Noelle | 02/11/2011 at 08:56 AM
So incredibly beautiful and thoughtful. The notion that "this too shall pass" when it comes to this stage of life is relieving yet heartbreaking all at the same time.
Posted by: Jenni Hufford | 02/11/2011 at 08:56 AM
your post made me tear up! i am a mommy to 2 little boys and i feel the same way....i know you are twice as busy! but it is sad how fast the time goes by. when i was little i was always anxiously awaiting my next birthday so i could be "older" i would give anything to make time slow down! my "baby" is now 2 1/2 and i crave those moments from the early days when my babies were so tiny, they way they would look up at me while i was nursing, they way they smelled and felt. all you can do is just what you are doing....try to sit back and take it all in. even moments when i am totally frustrated and freaking out i try to remember that these days will pass too quickly and then i will give anything to have them back again! so enjoy the mess as it unfolds around you! (ps....i have just recently found your blog and love your scrapbooking style, you are doing such a wonderful job capturing the lives of your beautiful children)
Posted by: alana | 02/11/2011 at 08:59 AM
Posted by: Jenny Moore | 02/11/2011 at 09:08 AM
Oh yeah...
Enjoy every moment!!
Posted by: Jennifer Camplin | 02/11/2011 at 09:58 AM
A friend of mine posted this article on Facebook and I thought of you:
Posted by: Kristi K. | 02/11/2011 at 10:03 AM
I have two young boys and I have to constantly rememebr to just let some things go and enjoy them. It's so easy to get caught up in all those little things that we think need to get done...but who needs clean laundry! =)
Posted by: Michelle L | 02/11/2011 at 10:03 AM
Your post is perfect and so true!
Can I just say....Harper has the most beautiful skin!! I love her coloring, just gorgeous!
Posted by: Natalie | 02/11/2011 at 10:04 AM
so spectacularly beautiful.
your words.
so beautiful.
love you so.
Posted by: brooke | 02/11/2011 at 10:22 AM
Beautiful post Steph.
Thank You!
Posted by: Tere | 02/11/2011 at 10:31 AM
time does go by quickly, but, everyone here is are documenting everything. you and your girls will appreciate it. i tell you what though...your memories will never leave you. your girls are so lucky to have a wonderful mother like you who truly cherishes the moments.
Posted by: jackie | 02/11/2011 at 10:32 AM
"i feel like i'm so caught up in getting through it, that i'm missing "it"."
I feel this way and I only have two girls. It's terrifying and wonderful at the same time. I dread the I'm too cool for my mom days, although they are already here more than care for (girls are 8 and 10). I look back on the sticky hand baby days with fondness and also a little regret that I was so stressed all the time. I'm sure I'll feel the same way about the days I have now. Luckily with some age, mine and theirs I think I'm enjoying the moments more. Or at least noticing when the good moments happen. I hope my girls will look back on their childhood with fondness. And not remember me as a stressed out basket case.
Best to you and yours.
Posted by: Kim | 02/11/2011 at 10:37 AM
Hi there!! Thank you for making me cry this morning... I just had my second child a little over two weeks ago, and last night i was going through my mountains of developed pictures, my first born son, PBJ, has a mountain of pix... And your post was EXACTLY what i was thinking last night, you put it in words.. THANK YOU. (the crying was a good thing, not bad..) have a GREAT day!! I will be making some memories with my PBJ!!
Posted by: Emilie | 02/11/2011 at 10:45 AM
This is so beautiful it made me cry. I am the mother of one very busy 17 month old boy and I find most days I'm struggling just to get through the day and I too make lists, sticky notes and the like. I can't imagine doing it with 4 children.
I am so glad you take time to just sit and soak it all in. I can't imagine how hard that must be with 4 but it is so important. Sometimes when it gets too much, when I step on yet another lego block or I have to hear "no" or "mine" or an ear-piercing shriek one more time I just take a deep breath and remember that one day I will miss all these things and so I sit. And just watch him play.
Many blessings to you and your beautiful family.
Posted by: April C | 02/11/2011 at 10:46 AM
Awwwww! Love posts like this. This is exactly how I want to be a mother. Thank you so much for inspiring me! :-)
Posted by: reyanna | 02/11/2011 at 10:54 AM
You have a beautiful way of putting into words what so many of us feel! thanks for the reminder to just sit and soak all the chaos in before they are just too cool for mom!
Posted by: debbie | 02/11/2011 at 10:58 AM
Thank you for the reminder. I needed that this morning. As soon as I was done reading the post I walked upstairs adn got my notepad to write down the things I don't want to forget. Stepping on cars, clothes hanging out of the dressers, laying down in bed at night and not knowing what is poking me in the back. These are the days we do forget but, the ones that are the most important. thank you for reminding me.
Posted by: Lindsay Keen | 02/11/2011 at 11:06 AM
beautifully said.... and that my friend is why we blog and are savoring it all..
Posted by: kate | 02/11/2011 at 11:07 AM
I work with/help a dear lady who had Dementia. And yesterday her husband told us a story that she had no recollection of. She takes it with grace, but I know she was hurt by her lack of remembrance. I wanted to do a LO about how this impacted me and about how scrapbook has become a visual journal for me ... something I'm sure she would love to have had. This post brought tears to my eyes...I take things like this for granted. I love your last two posts -- full of grace and dignity and gratitude.
Posted by: Pidgen | 02/11/2011 at 11:12 AM
I just read all your posts about the CEC controversy in Google Reader, and then I go to comment, and they're gone. I just have to say, I would hate to feel judged and reprimanded every time I spoke my mind, not even trying to be mean or condescending to someone. I don't have a blog, but I read those little notes so often that say, "Don't worry, we weren't driving when we took this picture," or, "I tightened the harness straps before driving," or, "Nobody was hurt here," or "I was standing RIGHT next to the table my kid is on while I took this picture." It must be annoying to have to even acknowledge all those people who will inevitably email or comment about it. No one is calling THEM out on their unsafe practices with their children. God bless you. Just do what you do, and those who don't like it will fall off.
Posted by: Tanya | 02/11/2011 at 11:16 AM
oopps .. "has Dementia"
Posted by: Pidgen | 02/11/2011 at 11:17 AM
Beautiful! So true.
Posted by: Amy Scalze | 02/11/2011 at 11:17 AM
so happy to see this sweet post!
your babies are beautiful, all 4 of them!
I truly enjoy your blog!
Posted by: tara pakosta | 02/11/2011 at 11:52 AM
This brings tears to my eyes because I reflect back to that first year with my twins (plus having a 3 year old) and I cringe that I did not get to enjoy the moment!! I did not get to hold those babies as much as they deserved or wanted it, I had bottles to wash and fill, tons of laundry, a preschooler to entertain, groceries, bills, cleaning, etc.... Aaaaaah! How in the world can a person not have a fuzzy year that year. It is so heartbreaking, for me anyways so please, please do as much as you can to cherish this times, Steph!!!
Posted by: Kami | 02/11/2011 at 11:58 AM
Hey Steph:)
I haven't comment on your blog in a while and your posts always make me appreciate and cherish the moments of being a new mom. I had a day yesterday where I questioned myself if I do have what it takes to be a great mom and wife. After reading your blog post, you remind me that I am the one who have the power to kiss everything better:) Thank you for keeping my sanity in check! I LOVE your blog and your personal stories and feelings.
Thank you!!!
Posted by: Sandy | 02/11/2011 at 12:31 PM
I'm with you on that one!! I can't believe my little one is 5.5 months already!!
Posted by: dani | 02/11/2011 at 12:34 PM
So true! I try to do this everyday with my son, I am always thinking savor this diaper change, midnight nursing session, tears, joys etc bc they are all such a gift. This is just one of the reasons why your blog is so wonderful! Thanks Stephanie
Posted by: Jessica | 02/11/2011 at 12:36 PM
*sob* So beautifully put!
Posted by: Carrielyn | 02/11/2011 at 01:01 PM
I still think you are wonderful and an amazing person and if it means I am stroking your ego then so be it but you are in my most admired list, having had twin brothers when I was 10 years old and had to help my mother wash, make bottles, burp, mind, burp, play more burping those little brothers of mine, I am so empathetic towards you and wish I lived close enough to make you some food for days you dont want or cant cook and come and do some of your cleaning that you cant do because you have 4 children to love and nurture and that at the end of the day is more important because the love you show those children is what matters and I read it in your posts everyday.
Love you, love your children and love how you are coping (although I know its is a mammoth task and you just have your nose above the water line some days), it will get better and you will find a way to take that step ahead one at a time. And this blog is one way that you cope and you keep us/ME in line and appreciate life more because yo share your innermost thoughts with us when you dont have to but bravely do it.
I am normally just a reader of your blog and dont comment but I can feel you are needing feedback and positive ones at this point so HI and take care and love you heaps and big hugs to you.
From Australia
Posted by: Bridget Larsen | 02/11/2011 at 01:07 PM
Steph I completely understand every moment you described in this post. My One Little Word for 2011 is Here. Meaning I want to be present. I want to be right here in the moment. Our second child was born just this last month, and I knew that things were gonna get crazy around here. But I didn't want things to just be a blur. I wanted to be able to remember all those little moments. Not only with my newborn, but with my 3 year old too. My eldest is growing (mentally and physically) incredibly fast right now, and I want to be there and present for every bit of it. I will admit my husband is home all the time right now (he is out of work), so it makes it a lot easier to be able to be present with both my girls, but it is still a lot of work. I knew it would be. It is more than a daily thing trying to implement my One Little Word into my life, but these moments mean the world to me. And I want to remember them all. :D I know it isn't easy for you at all, but you are doing an amazing job!! You are a wonderful mother!
Posted by: Amy Parker | 02/11/2011 at 01:10 PM
You are impressively self-aware so young in life and in your parenting years. My 3 children are all teenagers now which is why I love the peeks into your life with little ones. It is the most amazing and precious time. Good for you to remember to soak it all in!
Posted by: Jennifer O. | 02/11/2011 at 01:35 PM
Dear Steph,
Just a quickie to let you know how much I have appreciated everything you have written over the roller coaster of the last few days. You are one strong mama; this is one beautiful blog post. You've got it. Keep on keeping on, girlie. We love you!
Posted by: Margaret | 02/11/2011 at 02:35 PM
Your thoughts are what I think all the time. I have twin two year olds and a 5 month old and everything you just said is how I feel! I enjoyed reading your blog. It does get better, although I think the first year of twins is probably the easiest!
Posted by: Amy | 02/11/2011 at 03:23 PM
Someday you will read a post of someone else's like this.....and you'll remember. Thank you. I did.
Posted by: Debbie | 02/11/2011 at 03:48 PM
You had to go and do that? Make me freakin' cry?!
My babies are 22 and almost 24....sometimes it's still a blur.....truth is we just can't make any of it stop...
We wouldn't have it any other way, would we?
Posted by: k8scraps | 02/11/2011 at 03:50 PM
You have a way with words Stephanie, because as I was reading this post I was feeling the same thing that you are feeling all over again. My daughter is 5 and I am expecting a son in May. Your post made me think of when my daughter was an infant, and how its hard for me to remember any one thing in particular from that time.. it's very blurry. I was in total survival mode, being a young mom, and trying to go to college. I am so thankful for the pictures I have taken, because that helps to bring it all back. I hope that I will remember more little things when my son is born, and truly enjoy that "infant" time, because as we mom's know, it goes by SO fast!
Posted by: Crystal | 02/11/2011 at 04:57 PM
Those area really gorgeous photos....too true...time really does fly by us all...and we constantly need reminders like this to stop and appreciate it...and to take a good look around and just BE! Thanks for this:)
Posted by: Elizabeth | 02/11/2011 at 05:49 PM
AND THAT is exactly what this blog (and scrapbooking) is you'll never forget...I need to get blogging again...there's so much I don't want to forget, even though I don't have kids yet...
Posted by: Christine Campbell | 02/11/2011 at 06:25 PM
uggh, hit enter too fast...i want to remember all the little things, that i too, am forever writing down on stickies, the nights I finally get to spend a few precious hours with my best friend after months of not seeing her, the pedicure i got as a thank you from my cousin for throwing her a babyshower and painting her nursery, working the open house (giving tours)at my old highschool for the new middle school students trying to decide which school to choose for next year, dog sitting for my dad and stepmother when they go on their vacation to the dominican, cuba, or on a cruise...the things i might not necessarily scrapbook, but don't want to forget...i need to get blogging again...when i moved in the fall and didn't have my computer hooked up in a dedicated place, and didn't have it part of my routine anymore it wasn't as easy to get it done like i did before and i find i'm really missing it. that's what i like about it anyway, just gotta make an effort to do it, i guess...
Posted by: Christine Campbell | 02/11/2011 at 06:31 PM
Your post made me cry of happiness......because we are so lucky to have all these precious moments with our little ones, and as I have told you in posts before we mothers have the eternal syndrome of guilt....we feel guilty for everything and are constantly double guessing ourselves. We all do thing we are super fricking women!!!! enjoy it and try to remember...I am totally envious in the good way that you even get to document the days in a blog, I try to write down stuff in my notebooks, and sometimes can't even find it....I will have to learn from you what is the best way to journal if through scrap booking, through photo albums, or just write it down and tape the pic to your journal when you don't have time or any energy for anything else.....That can be some good advise to all of us struggling to remember it all like you!!! Have a great weekend steph!!!
Posted by: Lina | 02/11/2011 at 06:56 PM
You should write Hallmark cards!! Absolutely beautiful!
Posted by: Kaila | 02/11/2011 at 07:13 PM
I'm at the 'my mom is my best friend' stage! I have two girls who still come to me( when they don't feel well or are upset or oldest (31 yo) tells me she only cries when she has talks with me. At first I thought that was bad...but it just shows how close we are. Their first years are a blurr to me and I think it is because I was so wrapped up in making sure they were I forgot to just 'be' with them and enjoy each moment. You are aware....all you need to do is squint and you'll remember and see things clearly...
Posted by: karen | 02/11/2011 at 07:34 PM
What a gorgeous post and so well said. My girls are 8 and 10 now and they are growing so fast. They still need you, it's just different. Love the pics of your girls - just beautiful! Take care, Deb xx
Posted by: Deb | 02/11/2011 at 07:55 PM
Hold on tight and enjoy the madness!!!!
great post!!! thank you
Posted by: Alissa | 02/11/2011 at 08:00 PM
Thanks for the a mom I need this reminder...even if my boys are 11 and 14....
Posted by: Kris | 02/11/2011 at 08:13 PM
I so hear you Stephanie, i have a 8, 9, 15 and 17 year old - my two youngest are 16 months apart - having them so close together the days and years ran into each other and then before you know it they are 'big' it breaks my heart, because indeed it is now a 'blur' - my sister has a 1year old and a 3 and 4 year old and is struggling to cope - i told her this time of her life is like being in a tornado and then suddenly you are thrust out of the tornado and the kids are 'easier and older' and you wonder how you survived!! Just wanted to add - my kids are from two different marriages - 2 from each, and i got divorced both times when the kids were young - having a husband - J - is a blessing so you can BOTH remember and talk about the days when the kids were young - i miss the chance to be able to sit together at graduations etc and "remember when they were so little"
you and your family are delightful - I 'heart' Stephanie Howell!
hugs from Andrea in Australia! xx
Posted by: andrea fletcher | 02/11/2011 at 08:22 PM
My twins are 14 years old and I can't believe how fast the time has gone. I do remember the first year and I do remember how wonderful it was to hold both of them, one on each arm, and rock and snuggle. All of us falling asleep in the rocking chair. I sure did love it and miss it now. I love your beautiful posts for reminding me:)
Posted by: Linda | 02/11/2011 at 08:25 PM
Your words here are oh so true! It's seems like just yesterday that my baby, was a baby.... but then I realize he's 11.... oh my gosh 11, I still can't believe it!!!
But, I remember all those wonderful little things, those first words, first steps, the tight hugs & all the snuggle time!!
I love your posts... I wish I had started a blog back when Zach was born!!!
Posted by: Ola Jaggers | 02/11/2011 at 10:44 PM
Posted by: sprittibee | 02/11/2011 at 11:05 PM
Amen! What a beautiful post.
I can relate to the "sticky notes standing in for my brain". Love that!
Posted by: Amy K | 02/12/2011 at 03:42 AM
Scrap booking, photos and our blogs will help us remember all these precious or not so precious moments. And you're right to stop, look around and soak it all in as much as you can. Enjoy!
Posted by: Kathy Martin | 02/12/2011 at 06:05 AM
God is so good. It seems as the years have flown by He reminds me more and more of the good things/times and less and less of the chaos, screaming, and lack of sleep.
Posted by: Bonnie | 02/12/2011 at 10:11 AM
You make me want to have babies again. People used to tell me it would go fast, and in some moments it did, and some moments I couldn't wait for them to be grown.
I miss the moments that went too fast. Enjoy!
Posted by: JaYne | 02/12/2011 at 10:25 AM
Your post totally made me start true and something I've been thinking a lot about lately. Beautifully written.
Posted by: Courtney | 02/12/2011 at 11:24 AM
1st of all- good to know I'm not the only one crying lol. This was written so that I'm a bit older (24) it made me think of my own relationship with my mom n how close we are now..and it really makes me look forward to having my own little family one day too!
Posted by: michela s | 02/12/2011 at 11:46 AM
Hi ya. What a cool attitude! Don't worry about the not remembering. I don't remember the first 3 months of my twins lives. It was just too much. Thankfully we have lots of photos. Once they get to about 2 everything starts to come back into focus. It seems like a long time, but is really so short. You're doing great! Hang in there.
Posted by: trinamcclune | 02/12/2011 at 11:56 AM
I cried while reading this post! Every word you said is so true. I'm so scared that I will forget. With three in three years,(which has nothing on your 4), I can't seem to remember what I did 2 hours a matter of fact, I can't remember if I already wrote a comment to this post. I read it yesterday and I meant to leave a comment, but I don't think I did. So if this is the second comment that I have written I apologize, but you understand right! Happy weekend!
Posted by: Corey Brock | 02/12/2011 at 12:36 PM
As my only girl (among 5 boys!) approaches her senior year in high school, I say good for you for savoring these moments, the good and the exasperating. They go by so very quickly!
Posted by: ArlaMo | 02/12/2011 at 02:04 PM
Happy tears here!! so true!
Posted by: Maria C | 02/12/2011 at 06:46 PM
I wish my thoughts had been more like this when my twins were new. God bless.
Posted by: Analisa Roche | 02/12/2011 at 08:50 PM
I had these exact thoughts today.
Posted by: crystal johnson | 02/12/2011 at 10:15 PM
I used to tell myself something along these lines anytime Jameson would wake up in the middle of the night. "For some reason God wanted me to be close to him, sleep will come eventually" That is what got me through it (he still doesn't sleep well even at almost 6 - but I treasure it because I know one day he won't be under our room for me to kiss at 2 am.)
Thank you so much for being so REAL and amazing. You bring a smile to so many faces. Stephanie...YOU rock!
Posted by: Jill | 02/13/2011 at 12:44 PM
I love this Steph. A beautiful post, you truly have a way with words. Thanks for sharing, you are amazing
Posted by: Erika Bates | 02/13/2011 at 01:03 PM
Amen, Steph. :) My oldest daughter just turned 16, my youngest daughter will be a teenager this fall. They grow too fast, and those moments are fleeting. I'm still trying to be the patient center point... sometimes with success, and sometimes without... the moments are still swirling around me. Also, some times my girls are too cool for mom... and others, they still love to tell me about their day, who they are hanging around, etc... I hope that doesn't go away, either. :)
Posted by: Jennifer Henson | 02/13/2011 at 02:45 PM
I don't have babies anymore, but I can't tell you how many times in a week that I think that very thing. How very thankful I am to be a mom to these precious children and how much I know I will miss the whining, trips to the potty, sippy cups, and spills. This is the stuff of life I will cherish forever. Showers will still be there when I need them!
Posted by: Sarah H. | 02/13/2011 at 04:01 PM
So well put. I think every mommy has these exact moments and sentiments.
Posted by: Karalynn Tyler | 02/13/2011 at 07:08 PM