happy wednesday y'all. i hope you are having a beautiful, blessed week.
the photo above has nothing to do with this post...i just wanted to share it b/c it takes my breath away. :)
i've received this question a lot lately (among others).
how do you organize your albums?
and i want to apologize. i haven't answered questions very well lately. if you email me i always email back, but i've kind of lost track of the questions in the comments here.
so today, i want you to please ask a question in the comment section. if you have one, that is! i will answer all of the questions, including the one above, in a post soon.
i'm off to dress the girls for school, and then make their t-shirts for tomorrow (iron-ons again!). st. patrick's day is a HUGE deal in savannah. well, not for us...i'll be at home with my gang o' children. teehee. but j? will be walking in a parade with all of his fellow soldiers and they will be getting kissed on the face by a multitude of women.
uh good times?
happy wednesday and i look forward to hearing your questions. xo
I *so* want to come to Savannah for a St Pat's day once, although I had no idea there was kissing involved in the parade!
The picture of the girls is stunning. And while they look so different, you can definitely see they are sisters here.
My questions are all stuck in the part of my brain that is still suffering from Daylight Savings Time...so I'll just wish a Happy Wednesday to my favorite Georgia chickies!
Posted by: Steph H | 03/16/2011 at 07:04 AM
I'm curious as to what your answer is... re. how you organize your albums! ;-)
Posted by: dre | 03/16/2011 at 07:05 AM
Fun thread! What are your recent book recommendations?
Posted by: Stacey | 03/16/2011 at 07:24 AM
With 2 girls, sleeptime is a long drawn out affair. Just wondering how u do it with 4!! And often by yourself too ;)
Posted by: Jacqueline yeo | 03/16/2011 at 08:05 AM
Just a couple questions :)
Do you print your pictures at home, and if so, what printer do you have and are you happy with the results?
Is there one gallery where you post all of your layouts?
Have a great day!!
Posted by: Kristyn G | 03/16/2011 at 08:19 AM
That picture is just gorgeous:)
My question is, "Do your 'In Real Life' friends know you are such a popular blogger/scrapbooker? I know very few people IRL who 'Get It' so I am curious if that if something you share?"
Posted by: Abbie Torroll | 03/16/2011 at 08:37 AM
Actually, yes, I'd like to know how you organize your albums too.
Also, do you scrap all your photos?
I would also second Abbie's question about if the people in your life know you are such a popular scrapper/blogger?
And what does J think of the whole scrapbooking/blogging thing?
Posted by: Lonely Scrapbooker | 03/16/2011 at 08:57 AM
I noticed you have the most adorable outfits for the bigs. Do you feel guilt free since you have future 'ashionistas to hand them down to? I love all their outfits!
Posted by: bree | 03/16/2011 at 09:07 AM
Do you have any scrapbook idols that you look up to? I look up to you and E. Kartchner :) It's silly I try to emulate similar layouts because I don't have a lot of inspiration on my own. I love working with sketches and scraplifting whether is the layout, color scheme, page theme, etc. I'm inspired by my pictures, but when it comes to layouts I love looking at other peoples before I scrap. Do you do the same?
And how do you get on some of the most notorious design teams and get published so often? I see your layouts in CK all the time, and of course I see them in several galleries like SC and Sassafrass :)
Posted by: Gabrielle Watson | 03/16/2011 at 09:19 AM
Hi Stephanie:
I love your work! And I am wondering.. do you scrap just 12 x 12 pages?? some of your pages look 8 x 10.. and How do you store your pages???
Posted by: jea | 03/16/2011 at 09:46 AM
How do you find time to scrapbook with your children so young? My baby is 8 months old, and the only way I can scrapbook is if I wait until my husband is home from work and can watch her for the evening. When I'm the only one home with her, I can't figure out how to do it. I just keep thinking "I can't figure this out, and yet you somehow manage to do it with 4 little ones and your husband gone for long stretches of time."
Posted by: Noelle | 03/16/2011 at 09:51 AM
Your girls are beautiful!
My questions are: do you edit your photos before printing? And, what is your scrapping process?
Posted by: Shannon D | 03/16/2011 at 09:52 AM
Every page of yours is so gorgeous, and yet it seems I've read (maybe from your blog?) that you get them done fairly quickly. Do you have any tips on completing pages faster? I do enjoy the process, but I use more time than I'd like, trying to figure out what I'm going to do.
Thanks for answering questions. That is so great of you!
Posted by: Amy S. | 03/16/2011 at 09:58 AM
lil sweeties!! my question: will you show us the babies nursery?? pretty please? :)
Posted by: Jenni Hufford | 03/16/2011 at 10:03 AM
How many photos do you take in a month?!
How many pages have you done total? or would you even know this, because I sure wouldn't~!!
oh and Yes, I want to know HOW you do your albums too!
LOVE that photo of your beautiful "bigs" they are too adorable beyond words stephanie!!!
Posted by: tara pollard pakosta | 03/16/2011 at 10:07 AM
Question about the twins, do you dress them alike very often or try to not? Simple huh. I am always curious about the twins being that I am one. However all your girls are adorable..
Posted by: Pam Ballard | 03/16/2011 at 10:14 AM
Do you have a baby book for each of the girls? Hope that you are doing well. I know that you are super excited to have J back, is he home to stay for a while? I hope so!!! :) Have a good day!
Posted by: Melissa C | 03/16/2011 at 10:54 AM
I am curious how you organize your scrapbooks, but I'm also wondering what your plan is for your albums years from now. When your girls are grown are there certain albums they can choose to take with them? Or will all the scrapbooks stay with you? I think about that a lot with my own scrapbooks. I don't want to make several copies of the same page each time, but I don't want my kids to fuss over albums when they're grown or have to divide them up- you take this year, I'll take this year, etc.- because then they'd be missing half of the photos and stories.
Wow. That was long and rambling. :)
Posted by: stacy doo. | 03/16/2011 at 11:02 AM
pretty much same ?? from above comments.
Enjoy family time!
Posted by: Jennifer Camplin | 03/16/2011 at 11:31 AM
I've been loving the "From Start to Finish" series Nichole Magourik has been doing on 2Peas...and it's got me thinking all the time about how OTHER people put their pages together. I'm really curious about what your process is (like some other people above). :)
Posted by: Lindsey | 03/16/2011 at 01:00 PM
that was exactly my question for you!! lol
how do you organize your ablums?? does each girl have their own?? what do you do with the layouts that feature say Harper and Cate, who's album does that go in? Or say Jimmy and the twins??
it's just interesting to me how people organize layouts lol it's the ocd! ;D
Posted by: C. Rayevich | 03/16/2011 at 01:33 PM
Hi there! Just wondering how you keep up with dinner for the girls, what are some of your favourite go to meals for lunch and dinner? also what are some home activities for the girls you do to keep them busy? Im forever trying to find new and interesting things to do with my very active toddler.Also do you get a lot of sleep with your four girls, are they good sleepers for you? And lastly what are some great books you recommend for discipling the girls? Thanks and great job being a mummy to your gorgeous girls, they are very lucky to have you and jimmy as their parents. xx
Posted by: Martarussell | 03/16/2011 at 02:21 PM
I would also like to know how you organize your albums! Thanks for taking the time to read these questions!
Posted by: Corey Brock | 03/16/2011 at 02:46 PM
Uh, I would take YOUR multitude of women and go kiss his face and enjoy a parade at the same time! Down here (New Orleans) we have ladders with a wooden box nailed on top. You set up the ladder, the box has a railing across the front, put the bigs in and enjoy the show! Wish I could lend you mine real quick! I don't think it will make in time for the parade though!
Posted by: Lisa | 03/16/2011 at 03:02 PM
How about what albums do you use? Do you use the sames ones all the time or change out depending on your mood!
Posted by: Ronnie Crowley | 03/16/2011 at 04:16 PM
I'm wondering what your scrapbooking process is? I would love an insight into how one of our pages comes together as I know you are a fast scrapper! Do you have an idea of how your page will turn out before you start? Or do you just play and see what happens along the way? And do you do the journalling last? Do you free style the journalling or pre-plan it? Thanks! Have a great day!
Posted by: Alexa | 03/16/2011 at 04:48 PM
Hey Steph,
Lots of good questions and I only skimmed so hopefully this isn't a duplicate. I was wondering how you keep track of 'inspiration'. Story ideas, layout ideas, things you see that you like, etc. I see you are on Pinterest but that is pretty new (I'm following you) so I know you might have other strategies too. I am always, always struggling with this. I store the ideas (in too many places I'm sure) but never really have a good mechanism for accessing/applying them unless I do it immediately.
Posted by: Peg | 03/16/2011 at 05:35 PM
babies nursery? how do you organize nap times for all the girls? do you ever get to nap or is that a joke these days....how do you get through the day on little sleep? power through? coffee like crazy? those are mine! lol!
Posted by: Kristen Cox | 03/16/2011 at 05:41 PM
Hi Stephanie - I was wondering if you follow any type of bible study at all? I know that you are a christian woman which I definitely admire and I was wondering what you use to strengthen your faith? Also who is your favorite christian music artist. Thanks and God Bless
Posted by: Amanda | 03/16/2011 at 06:09 PM
Have always wanted to ask: when you go to target or the grocery store and you have all four girls, how do you do it? I don't mean "woah! how do you DO it?" (although i feel that way too, in the most flattering way). I mean, logistically, HOW does it happen??! I can't take my three kids of similar ages to the store- it just doesn't work, unless i spend two hours getting two things :)
Posted by: kate | 03/16/2011 at 06:14 PM
Do you have a schedule? Do you do certain chores on a certain day etc.? I have a newborn and a three year old and I could use some ideas! I love your blog thanks for sharing!
Posted by: Jess | 03/16/2011 at 06:46 PM
this is probably a dumb question...but whyissit when I read your blog "normal" it looks like it's swimming underwater, and when I'm in googlereader it's not? other blogs are like that, too....It's just that sometimes I like to check out blogheaders and links and such. Also...I have finally delved into "The Help" (have you read it?) ...I'm listening on CD...looooove the readers. Back in the 60's we lived in Smyrna, and I have so many memories. May be too loaded, but....thoughts?
Posted by: Kirsten J | 03/16/2011 at 07:07 PM
um, im confused. what do you mean swimming underwater???
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 03/16/2011 at 07:10 PM
I was wondering if you make greeting cards of do you buy them? How do you organize your photos? You always have the best titles for your scrap pages, how do you come up with them? I've wondered if people recognize you when you are in public? Ok that's all the weird questions I have for now. Thanks for sharing your life with us.
Posted by: Valerie | 03/16/2011 at 07:31 PM
Love that photo of H and S! too adorable :) I would love to know if you have an album for each of the girls and/or if you've made any mini albums for the littles? Also, can we please see the babies' nursery? :)
Posted by: Vanessa M. Santamaria | 03/16/2011 at 07:42 PM
H & S are too cute for words! My questions are...
How do you blog your hipstamic/instagram pics?
What are your favorite iphone apps?
Do you think you'll ever not move anymore? (spoken as someone that admires your ability to adapt to change & as one that doesn't know much about military life)
Do you scrapbook with just kits?
Have the girls attempted their own LO's so they can be like Mommy?
That's all I'm going to pile on you, though if I thought about it more the list could be overwhelming! ;)
Posted by: Sara Rossi | 03/16/2011 at 08:21 PM
I thought of a couple more questions! What do you use for your scrapbook room? I have 3 kids and a 4 bedroom house, so I pretty much set up my stuff in the buffet table in the dining room (so my stuff is hidden) as well as my bedroom closet upstairs.
What is your favorite pro football team?
I would also love to see your kitchen pictures! I get inspired seeing pictures of decorated rooms in magazines and websites.
Posted by: Stacey | 03/16/2011 at 10:08 PM
I was wondering how you store your paper. Not only what you store it IN, but how you put the paper in order so that you can find something when you are looking for it. And when do you scrap? Do you do it after everyone is in bed and sacrifice sleep or do you manage to do it during naps? And lastly, what is your favorite adhesive? Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions! I love your blog!
Posted by: Leslie | 03/16/2011 at 10:45 PM
Hi Stephanie - wow Kellys class sounds great. I've never done an online one before. Do you print your own photos or get them done at a professional photo shop?
Posted by: Sharon Parke | 03/16/2011 at 11:38 PM
I hope I didn't start too big a ball rolling with my question in yesterday's post asking how you organize your albums! LOL
Just a FEW more questions!
So, do you organize your albums by date? Family member? Occasion?
Do you do many 2-page LOs? If not, how do you arrange your single page LOs in your albums? Do you worry about the style or the colours in the single LOs you put side-by-side in your albums?
Do you ever display your LOs outside of your albums, hang on the wall as art or display in frames?
What is your favourite colour or colour scheme to scrapbook with?
Do you make only 12 x 12 LOs? Or do you also make 8 1/2 x 11 pages? Do you ever make mini-albums?
Do you do many multi-picture LOs or do you prefer the single-picture LO?
Do you pick the photos first or do you design the page first?
Have you scrapbooked your wedding pictures?
Does anyone else in your family also scrapbook? I know you have mentioned that your mother is very artistic. Does she scrapbook as well? Or was it something you just discovered on your own?
Have you ever designed scrapbooking kits based on your pages?
Have you ever taught scrapbooking classes? Would you ever consider offering online classes?
Have you ever considered designing your own line of scrapbook paper & embellishments?
Phew!! I think I have all the Qs out of my system ... for now. Thanks for this opportunity to ask you about your creative process. ;-)
Posted by: diana | 03/16/2011 at 11:40 PM
Super quick question for today. How do achieve the gorgeous effect on so many of your blog photos, such as the one above of the bigs? Is it an iPhone app? If so, what settings achieve that lighting effect and the frame?
Posted by: Margaret | 03/17/2011 at 03:16 AM
What a great opportunty to ask you questions!! I just wonder generally how do you do it all?? You always seem so together and the girls and you also look so beautiful and happy! You are a wonderful wife, mother, scrapbooker and blogger! How do you fit it all in??? (and yes I am totally in awe, inspired by you and a lttle bit jealous of your amazing creativity!!!) xxx
Posted by: furrypig | 03/17/2011 at 03:17 AM
Hi Steph! That photo of the girls is simply stunning. You and J have sure done well with all 4 - what a beautiful family you've got!
I have a food question for ya - I think my kidlet has some of the same food allergies Harper has - mine is especially allergic to nuts and eggs (we have an epi-pen for her) but previously was also diagnosed with allergies to wheat, oats, and dairy too. We luckily have pushed through the wheat oats and dairy which makes eating a little bit easier, yay.
I'm just curious what some of Harper's fave snacks/meals are?
Thank you! Can't wait to read all the answers to all the questions people have!
Posted by: Patty W | 03/17/2011 at 04:50 AM
Hi Stephanie! I love reading your blog : ) I was wondering what app you use on your iphone to make the pictures look the way they do. I have a feeling you've answered this before, but I couldn't find it.
Posted by: Michelle | 03/17/2011 at 05:44 AM
Hi Stephanie,
I know every child has to be disciplined differently but I am curious if you ever had to deal with the girls having tantrums or biting and how you dealt with it? (I don't ask this question to judge, only to get advice)
Posted by: Tina Collins | 03/17/2011 at 07:37 AM
Oh, I miss the parade in Savannah. My husband also marched in the parade a few times with the Rangers. The girls put all this lipstick on and kiss them all over their face. A little strange to see others kissing your husband, but I was right there with them. You HAVE to go to the parade at least once while you are there!
Posted by: Becky Andersen | 03/18/2011 at 09:34 AM
These are all such great questions, and it will probably take you 9,000 hours to answer them all, so I will just sit back and wait. Anxiously! ;-)
Posted by: Gayle Wheeler | 03/19/2011 at 06:50 AM