would you believe me if i told you that my boxes of fall/halloween decor are still in the attic? i know, i know...SO unlike me!
i WILL get them down this weekend. i will i will! i don't know what's wrong with me. too much going on!
i have gotten a few things up...this year for the first time ever i decided to do dark/halloween decor instead of fall decor. i've always been more into pumpkins/gourds/leaves etc as opposed to spooky stuff, but this year i was in the mood to go dark.
tablescape with black pumpkins (target) and mini black feather wreaths (joann). i am OBSESSED with these feather wreaths right now.
i ordered this one for the front door the other day:
and i love the pewter one too:
they are on BIG time sale right now!
my super classy and expensive construction paper/twine bats hanging from the chandelier...i got the template here.
i'm going to make more black pom poms like these,i need to go get more of the cheap tissue packs at target!
i'm wanting to do LOTS more. here's some things i've found on pinterest that i'm dying to do.
i know there's not a snowflakes chance in you-know-where that i'd be able to do this. i mean are you KIDDING me? i have a hard time cutting eye holes. but i love this woodgrain pumpkin via martha stewart.
puff paint spider webs via woman's day
spooky terrariums via country living
black and white pumpkins via country living
whew. i need to get to work now!!
one last thing- my very first tutorial went live on the SC blog today. it's about doilies+misting! i had a blast doing it. go take a look and let me know what you think!
i hope you have a beautiful, blessed day! xoxo
great ideas. I need to pull out some decorations. we live in a small apartment but I think a nice wreath would be fun since it will be nice in the hallway.
Posted by: nicole | 10/12/2011 at 09:28 AM
eeeee - that pewter wreath is so lovely! and i'm going to joanns today, too - yay!
Posted by: Lisa Dickinson | 10/12/2011 at 09:44 AM
I pinned a black snake wreath that would go perfect with that decor!
Posted by: marlene gibson | 10/12/2011 at 10:46 AM
Uh oh, you just enabled me to purchase both wreaths online. With free shipping on a $35 order I feel like I scored BIG TIME!
Posted by: Meghan | 10/12/2011 at 10:56 AM
Thanks for the decorating inspiration! I love it all!
Posted by: stephanie b. | 10/12/2011 at 11:00 AM
Great tutorial, love the way the misted papers turned out. Makes me want to go and buy some more doilies, I used all of mine on my last project! Thanks Steph!
Posted by: Julie | 10/12/2011 at 08:11 PM
I have the black wreath and love it!!!!! Halloween is a big thing in our house! Thanks for the inspiration!
Posted by: Danielle Higginbottom-Brown | 10/13/2011 at 06:33 AM
cute decor, love the jars best. and you did a great job on the tutorial. i love little doilies also.
Posted by: sherri | 10/13/2011 at 12:58 PM
The pewter wreath is my favorite. That would look so cool on my black front door! We got out our box of Halloween decorations two weekends ago . . . but it's still just sitting on the dining room floor. We need to put things up today!
Your SC tutorial was great--inspired me to try some work with doilies.
Have a great weekend :)
Posted by: MelanieJ | 10/15/2011 at 10:55 AM