Hey y'all! How's it going out there in blogland?
It's been so quiet lately. I know that I'm brokenhearted and I bet many of you are too.
So let's talk.
If you are reading this, I want you to say something.
Yep, even you blurkers (blog+lurkers) that I love so much.
Yes, even if you are reading Google Reader. I want you to do the dreaded click through. :)
What makes me feel better when I'm sad? Connecting with other people.
So tell me what you've been up to. Tell me what you are looking forward to. Tell me what you are praying for.
Help me figure out our 26 acts. I need more ideas.
Are you doing #26acts? If you aren't you SHOULD. It's a beautiful,beautiful idea.
Tell me what's been going on in your world.
In ours? Well, I'm working hard on my BPC class. I can tell you that it's a February class...
and that it's called "The Ties that Bind, Scrapbooking Life's Relationships".
I'm SO excited. And nervous.
I'm doing so much praying. So much. And it doesn't seem like enough.
Lately I'm also praying for this man. Please read the link and pray too. Can you imagine?
Yesterday Cate decided she wasn't scared of Santa anymore.
She cut in front of a long line, and climbed in his lap and latched on to his finger.
The parents in line looked unhappy with her, but I have to admit...I let her sit for a second. It made my eyes well up with tears.
We are all on Christmas break as of today.
You know what makes me sad? I've seen a lot of complaining on FB (well I always see complaining in general there...a big reason I don't like FB that much)
complaining about children driving parents nuts, annoyance with minor issues at children's schools...
and i want to say STOP IT. isn't this the time (if there ever was a time)
Let's focus on what we do have.
Love. Life. One another. The gift of another day.
SO many do not have that now.
So talk to me. I'm demanding it. Don't act like you didn't see my demand. I know you did. HAHA!
I guess i should also say please. :)
I want to hear what you are doing, believing,thinking...and anything you want to tell me.
I'll be reading and responding in the comments.
Love to all of you.
blurker here. Been busy the girl has had exams all week. Big year the junior year in high school, trying to get the best grades figure out college. Wow did I say college how'd my baby get to be so grown up? I still think of her as the twins age. I too am getting tired of all the whining about how hard life is (yes I'm sure it is but let's sit back and think on how good it is too). Beginning to block people on FB so I don't have to deal with them.
I'm so happy that Cate got over her fear of Santa. I so love the picture. Merry Christmas to you and yours. I know you will cherish this one as you are the whole year.
Posted by: Becky | 12/22/2012 at 07:05 AM
Merry Christmas, Miss Becky. I know that Harper will be in high school before I realize it. Everyone says it goes so fast...because it does. Sigh. Sending you big love.xoxo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:06 AM
Today Seth & I are celebrating Christmas with my family then heading to Alabama for his family's "Christmas Extravaganza" as I've been calling it. He is excited to have me celebrate a Thompson Christmas - and has told his brothers they have to make it extra awesome for me- so that I'll let him spend more Christmases with them. I love that picture of Cate, very proud of her! So missing you guys, we need to do a skype date, for real! Miss you and have a Merry Christmas! Love you all!
Posted by: Stephanie L | 12/22/2012 at 07:10 AM
Miss you too, and we will DEFINITELY talk soon. Have so much fun with Seth and his family...tell him hey for me! xoxo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:12 AM
Hi sweet Stephanie :) I love to come to your blog and you put things in such great perspective for me. I have been having a hard time this holiday season and now I am going to put on my big girl pants and truly enjoy the last few days before Christmas!! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas,together under one roof!!! Happy Holidays from New Hampshire!!
Posted by: ginny | 12/22/2012 at 07:14 AM
Hey sunshine! Wonderful to see you today! Hoping I can come visit your neck of the woods soon...saw that CKC is in New Hampshire in 2013, Im thinking about coming! Big love,sister! xoxo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:15 AM
THANK YOU so much for pointing out Father Suarez. I have been thinking of him so much. We had a string of deaths one fall in our dinky community (car/hunting accidents, suicide, 5-6 people ages 14-35) and one pastor did the majority of the funerals. They need us too. Happy break for y'all and a blessed Christmas to the Howells. I'm trying to get Chrismassy in about 48 hrs. Fam. dinner tomorrow after spending most of two wks sick. Ack! I THOUGHT I knew what behind and procrastinate meant. . . . Hugs!
Posted by: JillT | 12/22/2012 at 07:17 AM
Jill-You can DO it! I am so sorry for your communitys losses. Sending you much love (AND energy!!!) xoxox
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:18 AM
De-lurker here! You and your family are amazing to me! Your spirit even under circumstances that would make others crumble, astounds me! My nearly three year old and I are attempting to complete the 26 acts of kindness. We have done both large and small things...taking cookies to the shelter, towels to a local animal rescue, allowing a harried Mother to go I front of me in the impossibly long line at Old Navy...it has been really enjoyable!
Posted by: Courtney | 12/22/2012 at 07:24 AM
It the midst of family drama (on both sides) and still need to finish Christmas shopping (usually never late like this) 2 sick kids, and the rad broke in my truck....I am thankful, happy, and excited that my husband flies home from work tonight....because whenever he is away for an extended period, It always reminds me just how much I love this man!
Posted by: Danielle Higginbottom-Brown | 12/22/2012 at 07:26 AM
I'm looking forward to my calendar saying 2013 (and have been for a long time)...because that is when my husband is coming home! It's almost here! :)
Posted by: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=699592649 | 12/22/2012 at 07:26 AM
My year has consisted of.....losing my dad, my 100 year old grandma, both of our kids divorcing, our alcoholic son moving away, our 17 year old grandson's lung collapsing that revealed an underlying heart issue, that has crushed his dream of joining the military and under going 2 surgeries to try and repair arthritis damage to my feet so I can continue working! Wow. When I write it down it sounds awful! But... I know Jesus has us wrapped in his loving arms and promises us eternal life with Him! I LOVE that! It is only through Him that we have hope!
With that being said.....I have loved reading your blog. You keep my spirits up!
I hope you and your beautiful family have a blessed Christmas and New Year!
My husband and I are going shopping today for families in our church that are in need and I count it a privilege to be able to do that!
Merry Christmas!!
Posted by: Debbie | 12/22/2012 at 07:26 AM
Hi Steph, Love you post this morning. I'm wide awake at 5:15am at my in-laws house. We are on a 3 week long vacation for the holidays and I'm already ready to go home. We were traveling last Friday during all the news about Newtown, and when I arrived at our first stop and caught up on Facebook + news, I just broke down. I was in 8th grade in a neighboring school (about 15 minutes away) during the Columbine shooting. We were on lockdown, and I remember being huddled in classrooms with my friends and teachers thinking to myself, "If someone came in that door, where would I hide?" or looking around for things I could use to protect myself if someone came into our school. I tear up thinking about those sweet little children that did survive, knowing that is exactly what they will be thinking every time they go to school from now on. I cry for those parents who sent their children to school that morning, and weren't able to see them alive ever again. I frequently go into Zoe's room and just kiss her in the middle of the night. She is 4.5 and difficult sometimes, but I can't imagine not having her around.
I am rambling I know. 2012 has been a rough year personally and I am just ready to close the book on it. I've got so many good things happening to me right now and I'm trying so hard to be satisfied and happy with those amazing things. I'm desperately holding onto my faith and praying for hope and joy, even amidst dark days.
I hope you and your sweet family have the happiest of holidays, and I'm so glad you have Jimmy home this year. :)
Posted by: Holly H. | 12/22/2012 at 07:28 AM
I have been taking the word busy out of my vocabulary. I lost a very special uncle in November who was everywhere. He loved to see people, go places and help where needed. I want to be like him. I want to not tell my loved ones that I am too busy to do something. Life does get hectic and we have a very active social life but I AM going to learn to love it. Yes I would love to be home and do my own thing so I am going to have to choose wisely. I am also going to give a little longer hugs this holiday season. There is so much to be thankful for and I am going to notice it all. Merry Christmas ~Ann
Posted by: Ann | 12/22/2012 at 07:29 AM
Blurker here as well!
Enjoying vacation with the kiddos as we have the next week and a half together. Looking forward to cuddling, watching movies, reading books, hiking (if the snow holds off!), and being thankful for the time we do have.
Posted by: Sarah | 12/22/2012 at 07:30 AM
The towel idea is a GREAT one. Thank you so much for stopping by.
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:31 AM
Well, here is another blurker coming out of hiding. Just sitting here this morning feeling rather calm and peaceful and reflective of the meaning of this wonderful season. When I went home from work on Wednesday, I announced to my friend that I was going home and getting my act together and I actually did. Presents are wrapped and have bows. Now they are under the tree or delivered to the intended person. My home is decorated and basically clean. I must admit it feels great. The new NoelMignon kit came yesterday and it is most definitely calling my name. I wish for you and your most adorable family a most blessed Christmas.
Posted by: Norma | 12/22/2012 at 07:31 AM
YAY! So glad to hear this Danielle! xoxo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:31 AM
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:31 AM
Your wish is my command ;) Around here I'm getting very close to being done with our Christmas preparations. There are still a few presents to wrap (not my favourite task), a few things to clean around the house, shopping (to come tomorrow) and those other bits and pieces that come up. Currently I'm taking a bit of time out to finish our stockings; coming from a country that doesn't have Thd tradition of Christmas but living in a country where it's normal to have them, I have decided to make some this year for us as a surprise (almost done, need to embroider the last name and sew on the hangers).
I'm woefully behind my December Daily album and don't even dare think about Project Life. Scrapping has not been at the top of my list this month. Since yesterday evening I'm on my Christmas break though and hope that'll help the craftiness.
The majority of my prayers are for my family, especially my elderly great-aunt (grandma). I pray we will have many more Christmases and birthdays, etc together.
Wishing all of you a wonderful Christmas!
Posted by: Diane | 12/22/2012 at 07:32 AM
Oh Debbie, I am SO so sorry. My heart is so heavy for you as I read those words. But what a beautiful spirit you have. Sending you love and joy, my friend. xoxo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:32 AM
Hi Stephanie. I am one of those lurkers. :-) Love reading your blog. I am from South Africa. Have a blessed Christmas and a fantastic 2013.
Posted by: Bernafin | 12/22/2012 at 07:33 AM
Hi Stephanie. I am one of those lurkers. :-) Love reading your blog. I am from South Africa. Have a blessed Christmas and a fantastic 2013.
Posted by: Bernafin | 12/22/2012 at 07:33 AM
love the 26 acts, steph :) love how much you teach your girls about giving to others! there's a hospital in philly for kids that has housing for families and they allow people to come in and make meals for the families. it's on my long to do list once we have a little more time! we've been busy lately getting ready for the holidays and dealing with back up sewage flooding in my mom's brand new finished basement (ugh!), and of course prepping for the baby! going to try to make fudge today with the girls for the first time and work on the quilt for the baby. wishing you and yours the most beautiful of holidays! much love to you all!
Posted by: breanne | 12/22/2012 at 07:33 AM
Morning Stephanie - yep 5 am here in California. I just wanted to answer your call for a virtual connection and send you a virtual hug. Its been a really rough week since the tragedy last Friday, and has made my approach this holiday very different. My house is really a mess, and I don't care. The Christmas baking and meal prep is not done and I have two very busy days coming up that I don't really know when or if I will get to it all, but I don't care. My daughter has a bit of the whines and gimmes that comes with over stimulated, tired, excited 5 year old girls right now, and I am not at my wits end. I a sense of peace and patience this season that I never got from being prepared or planning things out. Last night the three of us all laying on top of each other and hanging out while the dishes were still in the sink, the baking not done, a ton of laundry to fold and to do and just enjoying each other was what we really need this time of year. Not all that other stuff. The rest will come together when it does and if it is meant to. I agree with you, people need to stop complaining. We have more than most anyone in any generation and people are also the most unhappy and ungrateful for what they have. I am working very hard to not let this be me this year. My heart literally aches for those affected by the tragedy last Friday, and I want those little angels and teachers to have a nice view of the world they look down on from heaven and know their deaths were not in vain, and that I choose to be a better mother, wife, friend and person because they never got the chance.
Love and hugs!!
Posted by: Nancy Hyland | 12/22/2012 at 07:34 AM
It is actually Bernadine.
Posted by: Bernadine | 12/22/2012 at 07:35 AM
Good Morning! I am in the final stages of getting ready for our FIVE christmas celebrations this year, while also working as a manager at Walmart. To say that I have seen the crabby, disrespectful and down right mean side of people this year is an understatement. But the random acts of kindness that I have seen in the last week blow my mind and make me realize that there is so much good in this world and give me hope. My favorite one from yesterday was an elderly man who tried to tip me after I loaded his 5 bags of 50 pounds of dog food for him. I told him that I wasn't allowed to accept tips but if he would pay it forward that would make my day. He got a little sparkle in his eye, slowly walked over to the Salvation Army bell ringer and slipped a $50 bill into his bucket!!
I am so happy that the Howell family is together for Christmas this year, and look forward to another year of watching your babies grow and hearing your entertaining, quirky, and encouraging stories! Merry Christmas to your family!
Jill E. in MN
Posted by: Jill E. | 12/22/2012 at 07:35 AM
I am a blurker. I watch for your posts because how could any family be a better example of American life? I cannot wait fr your class. Some ideas for 26 acts nursing homes would probably love a visit from your awesome kids. Maybe drop off a treat and just let them see the energy and happiness f your beautiful girls. Dropping off some dog foot to a pet shelter. A poinsettia left at a random house on the porch? A crafty treat to the sales clerk at this harried time of year? Just a few random thoughts. I love random acts of kindness and try to participate whenever possible. Thank you for sharing your life and all the inspiration you always share. Both for creative projects and how to live a good life.
Posted by: Lisanroxy | 12/22/2012 at 07:38 AM
I've been a blurker for a long time now. I don't know how you do it all, you are like Superwoman!!! I was supposed to go home for Christmas but my flight got cancelled so I'm staying home and my husband and I are having a quiet Christmas with each other. I'm not complaining at all. I agree there is way too much negativity in the world and no I can't be with my parents, siblings, and niece and nephew, but we are safe and not stuck in an airport. That's something to be thankful for. I also get six days to be at home with no appointments or obligations. That feels like a gift itself. I appreciate your kind words and caring spirit. You are a positive force and we need more of that in this world. Merry Christmas!
Posted by: Tina | 12/22/2012 at 07:39 AM
I LOVE these ideas. Thank you so much for stopping by today and for your sweet words. xoxo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:39 AM
Love your blog Stephanie! One thing I am looking forward to is having my kitchen done. We are almost there, then our house can get back to normal. I do miss not having my Christmas decorations out but with the other clutter I just couldn't do it. And now that school is done, I am really looking forward to my 2 weeks off, catching up on things and hopefully cleaning my craft room!
Posted by: Laurel S | 12/22/2012 at 07:39 AM
I hope you have a beautiful Christmas, Laurel! xoxo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:41 AM
That sounds WONDERFUL tina! Merry Christmas! xo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:42 AM
Oh Jill- That made me teary! Merry Christmas!
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:42 AM
HI Steph :) Thanks for your blog post. It's been difficult to say the least with this national tragedy. I tend to be over sensitive with my emotions and it doesn't surprise me that I came down with the flu at the same time. But I am now recovering and slowly feeling better. I don't feel so panicked about dropping my kids off at school or going to work (I am a school nurse). Me and the kids are finally on Christmas break :) Today starts the first of many family Christmas parties and it will truly feel good to be surrounded by those I love. Thank you for the link about the priest. I have been avoiding FB and the news because I couldn't handle the sadness. I had not heard of the 26 Acts of Kindness and I think it is perfect. Since I work at a school, I think I will make 26 small notes to staff (librarian, custodian, principal, teachers, nurses, etc) to tell them how much I appreciate them and their dedication to our children. Have a wonderful blessed weekend.
Posted by: Jenny A | 12/22/2012 at 07:43 AM
Merry Christmas, Bernadine! I would LOVE to visit South Africa one day! xoxo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:43 AM
Merry Christmas, Bernadine! I would LOVE to visit South Africa one day! xoxo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:43 AM
Another blurker :) I've been volunteering for the NICU. I get to make crafts for the little babies as well as come up with activities and projects for the parents. Such a blessing to be able to do some good right now. I've also been loving up on my 8 month old daughter and watching my 13 year old step son blossom into a wonderful young man. I'm so blessed and I'm trying to soak in every last second!
Posted by: Chandra | 12/22/2012 at 07:44 AM
This is beautiful. And I so identify with it. Thank you so much for your words today, my heart needed them. xoxo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:44 AM
Another Blurker - I am finishing off a not so good year - but I have hope that the new year will bring healing and peace. In fact I've chosen my "One little word" to be Heal. For the first time in a while I have hope that things will be better. I am throwing myself into Christmas despite a nasty cold - and really enjoying the season with lights and friends and family. I love that my little one is developing quite the love of Christmas. Even my husband who is kind of Grinch like, has been listening to the Christmas playlist when he washes the dishes.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas - and this time brings some peace.
Posted by: mary Ann | 12/22/2012 at 07:45 AM
Love this idea, Jenny. I hope you are feeling back to yourself soon. Sending you big love.xoxo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:45 AM
oh, that is so sweet, Chandra. Merry,merry Christmas. xxoo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:45 AM
Mary Ann-
Wishing you all the peace and healing in the world. xoxo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:46 AM
hey beautiful friend! so happy to see you today! merry christmas! xoxo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:46 AM
Merry Christmas, Diane! And if it makes you feel better, I havent done PL since October ! HA! xoxo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:47 AM
Wishing you a peaceful, CREATIVE, love-filled Christmas! xoxo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:47 AM
Hi Stephanie
Seeing as you asked so nicely I'm coming out of lurking to chat! I found you originally a couple of years ago when I joined SC, I've followed you since then and love seeing the pics and stories of your girls. It reminds me of when my two girls were small. Although I have two small boys now who are a completely different story!!
I'm in the uk and its 2pm here. None of us are dressed, my house resembles a toy shop (a very messy one with lots of unruly children rampaging through it!). I was getting stressed about it before I read your post.
I have tons still to do for Christmas and like I said with 4 kids (from 16 to 1) in it my house is a mess!! Oh well the mess will still be here after Christmas and probably be worse!
I think that the 26 things is a lovely idea, I'm off to read more about it.
Take care xxx Lou
Posted by: Lou | 12/22/2012 at 07:48 AM
that sounds just perfect. merry christmas! xoxo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:48 AM
THIS. a million times over. this. i am concentrating on the same. thanks for sharing.xoxo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:48 AM
oh, holly...love you sweet girl. big hugs and much love.xoxo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:48 AM
its a BEAUTIFUL mess though, no! big hugs, miss lou! xoxo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:49 AM
Good morning, my sweet friend. I am sitting here this morning, watching my four blessings eat their breakfast. I am surrounded by clutter, mess, and more dog / cat hair than I care to admit. But I am so thankful and blessed to have all of this. My babies are getting older at an alarming rate, and I know I will miss these sweet moments when they are grown and gone. This past year has been such a struggle for us financially - and with that the stress that has taken it's toll on me. But we are all healthy and we will get through this. I pray daily for those affected by tragedy; I still weep every time I hear Sandy Hook Elementary. I weep when I hear of service members dying for our country. There is so so so much sadness in this world. I choose joy. And happiness. And laughter. And I have the BEST husband in the world to share on our journey of life and love through the years. God has blessed me tremendously and I am truly grateful. We miss you tons and tons! Bailey still talks about Sadie all of the time. I wish I could see you guys and hug your neck (and steal a few slobbery kisses from Cate and Lucy!). Love you all so much!! :)
Posted by: Michele MacIver | 12/22/2012 at 07:51 AM
Love you and your precious family, my friend. Merry merry christmas...and JOY to the world. xoxo
Posted by: Stephanie Howell | 12/22/2012 at 07:53 AM
Stephanie, your posts always make me smile, mostly because I can connect with your thoughts of mommahood, parenting, kiddos and scrapbooking. But, today I connect because my heart has been aching for those affected by the CT tragedy. There has been so much talk about gun bans that it is overshadowing those poor little angels that were welcomed to Heaven way, way too early. It makes me so very sad --- and fearful of letting my children go anywhere without me. I just want to hug them all day long. I know I can't keep them from school and such, so I pray for their safety each second I can, I pray for peace in the little lives and in their everyday.
This week I am focusing on making Christmas a memorable one --- together. My 10 year old son said something the other day when he though I might not be listening --- "it's not about all the presents, but spending time with family. together." And that is what we shall do. This evening will be spend looking at the lights at Zilker Park in Austin, sipping some cocoa, wrapping some gifts and helping my 8 year old daughter sew some more. Lovely times together.
I wish and hope you and your family have a blessed Christmas. You're a beautiful heart and soul, Stephanie and I've enjoyed your blog all along. Hugs.
Posted by: Sherry Cartwright | 12/22/2012 at 07:53 AM
Unlurking for a moment...Thank you for such an honest post and important request. Connecting with others is what makes a difference in the world. I've been doing the holiday preparations one would expect but the difference this year is that rather than feeling that frantic rush of "gotta get this done" I am taking the time to enjoy and to be grateful. Grateful that we have the means to give our kids a special Christmas, grateful for their presence in our lives, grateful for the opportunity to just be their mom and parent them, guide them and teach them, as best we can, how to grow up to be people of faithfulness, character, and compassion. Is it always easy? Of course not. But I have the privilege of doing so when that privilege was stolen from so many recently. So that has been my goal...to be grateful and be present. I wish you the happiest of holidays Stephanie. To you and your lovely family Merry Christmas!
Posted by: Melissa D. | 12/22/2012 at 07:56 AM
These days...I am praying more than ever, cherishing every moment to the fullest and desiring to be as faithful and humbled towards Our God as possible.
I'm scared, unsure and weak through it all. Yet, He makes me strong and keeps me going, asking me to trust Him no. matter. what...even if the outcome isn't what I desire.
It's been a growing and maturing process for me, for sure. It's a journey...
Maybe someday I will meet my birthday twin!! ;) If not, I always pray for peace and love and strength for your family!! Take care and enjoy them!!! xoxo
Posted by: jen kinkade | 12/22/2012 at 08:03 AM
I had some good news about a dream of mine yesterday. It has been a quiet dream. No specifics, but June 2013 will be when it comes to fruition, if it does, and I had a good sign yesterday. I've got a lot of learning to do, a lot of watching from me and guidance from others. But I am hopeful. And thats a good thing. The best kind of thing, really. Have a great day Stephanie! (from a long time Blog-lurker :) )
Posted by: Alyssa | 12/22/2012 at 08:13 AM
My sweet boy's 6th birthday was the day of that shooting in CT. He was home sick from school. I am so so sad for those families. I was so glad he was home that day to hold and cuddle. DH's aunt passed away suddenly on the 13th. He was closer to her when he was a kid than over the last 25 yrs. Funeral was earlier this week. Sad. I feel so bad for her family.. her kids and husband. They just adored her. They are not the most accepting of me, so we made the best of a bad situation and after the interment at the cemetery, instead of having lunch with all of them, we left. We spent time with a good friend for the rest of the day til we had to be home to pick up our son. I have been doing a lot of baking. Been giving most of it away to others. As for the holiday, I am not ready. I still have presents to wrap. I still need to finish grocery shopping for dinner for Christmas day, let alone figure out what we are going to do Christmas Eve. Really no big deal. It is just the four of us.
The photo of Cate is just adorable. No need for those others to be upset. She is just a baby. Patience is becoming non existent these days.
Posted by: Michelle | 12/22/2012 at 08:14 AM
Thanks so much!! Love to you and your family!
Posted by: Debbie | 12/22/2012 at 08:16 AM
I'm afraid I don't have the most positive post. And dealing with it all has kept me relatively quiet. Mom died on the fifth after many years of pain and unhappiness. My biggest events are: figuring out where my dad is going to live (maybe with me), trying to take care of unfinished classes that I got incomplete grades in because all this happened the last weeks of the semester, and trying to figure out what to do for next year in terms of work if I have to help with my dad. On a happier note, my daughter is having an amazing trip in Israel and texts me each day sounding more excited than the day before. I also really enjoyed scrapping this week for the first time in months. Today I will head down to see my dad again and that will make him happy.
Posted by: Ally | 12/22/2012 at 08:16 AM
I'm a fellow blurker. I love reading your blog and seeing the pictures of your girls! :)
What am I up to today? Well, I'm sitting in a hotel room looking over the Gulf of Mexico all by myself - a gift from my husband so I could get away and work on my book. I'm almost finished, and yet it feels like I forever to go before I finish. But - I got almost 20 pages written last night, so progress was made. And I slept all night long without interruption, which makes me feel like I can go home refreshed and really pour into Christmastime with my kiddos.
On my heart is the situation with Russian adoptions. Our completed dossier is set to be delivered to our adoption agency this morning, but in just a few days, Putin could sign into law a proposal to ban adoption to the US. So I am a bit nervous and praying for mercy - not just for our family and the many families like ours who will be heartbroken, but for the hundreds of orphans who are waiting and who will suffer the fallout of a political temper tantrum.
Enjoy your holiday, Stephanie!
Posted by: Kelli | 12/22/2012 at 08:18 AM
I truly believe that gratitude is the key to happiness. I have a grateful heart. I try to live in that everyday. Merry Christmas!
Posted by: marianne b | 12/22/2012 at 08:22 AM
I lurk on and off. I'm just inconsistant with leaving comments.
I'll be participating in 26acts as well. I just think we should do more good in the world. This brings be back to the movie Pay it Forward. I can be a very closed and jaded person (not a hugger :-P), but I have been trying more and more to open up and in that process seeing the good that is out there and spread some more as well.
I am looking forward to the time I took off between Christmas and New Year's. I decided that some me time to clean, organize, and craft were important enough to use up some vacation time. I can't wait to keep working on PL and get some layouts done.
I hope you guys have an amazing holiday and enjoy spending time with each other.
PS- if you ever come up to Boston I can be your tour guide :-P
Posted by: nicole @ I am a Honey Bee | 12/22/2012 at 08:23 AM
I too am still broken hearted. :( And even though my kids have been sick nonstop this season so far, I am still so thankful that I have them in my life, of course!! I hope that didn't come out wrong! LOL! But seriously I was laying with my little man this morning in bed because he woke up not feeling well, AGAIN, and I kissed those chubby cheeks and snuggled right up with him and just breathed in his sweet scent and thought how lucky I was. I would rather have him sick then not at all, kwim? I did notice yesterday in our small town, while I was at school volunteering and picking the kids up at the end of the day, that everyone was smiling at each other, being kinder than normal, moving at a slower pace, holding the door for each other, saying "Merry Christmas", and hugging the kids. I had a great talk with my twins' kindergarten teacher about the shooting in Connecticut and to hear her talk about her feelings and the love that she has for our children moved me to tears. I love her and am thankful that she is in our lives!!! *sigh* Blessings to your beautiful family this holiday season, Steph!! Your blog posts really brighten my day. THANK YOU!!!
Posted by: Kami Pfingsten | 12/22/2012 at 08:24 AM
I love the idea of 26 acts but I hate to admit it's kind of hard to come up with 26 things! I am donating some old scrubs (i'm a nurse)to a nursing school who asked for help for their single mothers. I did the angel tree but I do that every year. I cleaned out my closet & I have a bag of clothes to donate to the women's shelter. I also have extra mittens, hats, & scarves the library is collecting for needy people. I already volunteer with our humane society but I plan to do more for them. & that's all I've got so far! I think we new to think "outside of the box."
Posted by: Ashley | 12/22/2012 at 08:26 AM
I clicked through, I clicked through! :)
I've been hearing a lot of grumbling about family drama & inlaws & such - and I've gently reminded people that they are fortunate to have family to spend the holidays with. Drink a little more wine & suck it up!
I'm fortunate to have my Hope home from university, and to have Austin excited to finally be able to spend time on the mountain with his snowboard. My big kids are just as excited about Christmas as they were when they were little.
Now let's plan a little Vermont vacation for you in 2013!
Posted by: Katrina | 12/22/2012 at 08:29 AM
Merry Christmas to you and your gorgeous family from a granny blurker in the UK xx
Posted by: [email protected] | 12/22/2012 at 08:35 AM
Christmas is different this year. We lost my Dad unexpectedly on April 1st and I just can't seem to get in the spirit this year. All of this tragedy doesn't help either. I'm teacher too and just cannot imagine. Sorry to be a downer. We will get through this and tomorrow is a new day. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Posted by: Elizabeth | 12/22/2012 at 08:37 AM
Good Morning- I have been trying to figure out why we are living in such a dark world,but after reading your blog I realize that maybe ( and hopefully) there is more light than dark). You always have such calming and inspiring words. This tragedy that hit so close to home(40 mins away) has made me pick my battles. My mornings since the first day of school have consisted of arguing with a 5 year old about what to wear for school. If I left it up to her she would wear leggings everyday(but not with an appropriate style shirt) per me. I have a certain expectation of what my girls should wear and I am not ready to give that up. She is ok with leggings and a skirt( no jeans, no dresses,no tights- drives me crazy !!!!) Soooooo after last Friday's senseless act on Newtown I gave up the fight. It's not worth it!!!!!! I went out and bought every color legging and about 7 skirts! She is her own person and I have learned to let go a little. It is hard, but it had to be done. Our mornings this week have been peaceful and I send her off to school(reluctantly ),but happier. That is all that matters!!! That is what was on my mind. You asked for it;) Merry Christmas from a forever changed CT.
Posted by: heather | 12/22/2012 at 08:42 AM
Hi Steph. I actually read that article through you via Instagram yesterday re father luke and was so moved I made him one of our last Christmas cards. I did t really know what to say. We're not catholic - but in the end I figured were all more alike than different right? So I let him know we beleive in peace, hope and love. You are so bang on wit connecting - that's what it's all about! Merry Christmas!
Posted by: Virginia | 12/22/2012 at 08:43 AM
Hi Stephanie!
I agree with you about complaining on FB. So, after last Friday I posted a prayer on FB.
Dear Father in Heaven,
Please hold the children tightly until their parents can hold them again.
Please also hold the adults closely!
And finally, hold our hearts, as we continue to pray.
I teach 4th grade and one of my parents gave me a Saint Christopher bracelet for Christmas to keep the kids and me safe and protected. I wear it all the time.
I love the 26 acts of kindness. I am inviting 26 people to Christmas dinner including some that I don't know. (yet!)
Lots of love,
Posted by: Linda G. | 12/22/2012 at 08:43 AM
But you always give me something to think on. As I type, the lighted garland on the mantle has burned out, my prelit tree even with the addition of lights still seems spotty.... AND my children have conjured an imaginary elf so daily we have been planning antics for him. Who woulda thunk? I havent done any Crossfit in 60 days, have eaten everything i shouldn't, but I'm insanely happy.
I do love Christmas. I love the gift of the Magi. I love the humble story of a baby born in a feeding trough. I'm reminded it isn't about the tree, the lights (although I love to look at everyone's displays). I love to give something to someone knowing they will love it. I love my little family, although its not perfect, we always cling to each other and get through.
Wishing you and your sweet family a wonderful holiday. You are a beautiful soul.
Posted by: Nancy Holland | 12/22/2012 at 08:43 AM
Stephanie! Oh how I love reading your blog. You say things that I feel and agree with so much. How sad for Father Suarez. May our Heavenly Father bless him in his time of trial. As for my children, I have 5. I love them. I snug on them as much as possible. We went to dinner with them last night and I was on cloud 9 when not one but two separate parties stopped to tell us how well behaved and what great children we had. Tears came to my eyes and hearing those things make all the struggles, pain and everyday life bearable. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your girls and with J. Loves!
Posted by: Ashley Harris | 12/22/2012 at 08:44 AM
You, Stephanie, are so sweet. This December has been a beautiful and challenging one all at the same time. Obviously, the Newtown tragedy is unthinkable. I also lost my Papa, my first grandparent I have lost. He lived a long beautiful life and has left a wonderful legacy here. On Thursday, some apartments burned down nearby. My kids are donating some of their clothes and toys. I cannot imagine having to endure that right now.
All of this has strengthened my faith and made me really think about the moments I am spending with those I love. It's definitely gotten me out of my rut I was stuck in feeling sorry for myself over things. Some are big, but in the grand scheme of things I am incredibly blessed. I've hugged a little more and tighter and said I love you lots more. And now I am preparing for Christmas. Getting the last 3 gifts I need today. Then the wrapping begins.
Posted by: Nita K. | 12/22/2012 at 08:46 AM
Good morning, Stephanie! I've been thinking and praying a lot for the Newtown families this week. On Monday I emptied my sad heart, from where I was at the time, on my blog (http://bookworm.typepad.com/blog/2012/12/a-love-letter-to-newtown.html). We're not officially doing #26acts right now. It is already part of our Christmas tradition to give gifts to needy families through our church and to a local nursing home resident through another program. I've been trying to be more kind and loving in general, doing tiny things like letting cars ahead of me in traffic, giving hugs to people in church that previously I only shook hands with, etc. I've been loving on my little girl even more than usual (ha!) This week she had her first chorus concert at school and I found the sweet voices of the children so comforting. I want to send snowflakes to the school where the Sandy Hook children will be going to school -- that might be a fun one to do with the girls. (http://www.ctpta.org/SANDY-HOOK-FUND.html) Thank you for the link for Father Suarez -- he is now "on my list." I might make #26acts a 2012-2013 project -- one every couple of weeks. I think it would be meaningful to spread it out and really nurture a deeper sense of love and connection with the world. Wishing you and your beautiful family the most blessed of holidays. Sending hugs across the internet to you all. ~ Laura
Posted by: Laura | 12/22/2012 at 08:47 AM
We just ended a rough week at school. I live in CT...no matter where you live it hit close to home. We are undergoing all sorts of changes to make the school safer. An innocence was lost. I believe in doing anything we have to in order to be safe but am sad that some of that elementary school joy will forever be gone. Sad for all the loss of those beautiful babies and adults. I am hugging my kiddos more and feel truly grateful for what we have. So this weekend is about giving to others and celebrating love. We had someone leave 26 roses on our cars this week at school. Each teacher came out to a rose and a little note. It was touching. As a teacher,I felt appreciated. It might be a random act for you to consider. Thanks for the connection! I wish you all a merry Christmas.
Posted by: staceymichu | 12/22/2012 at 08:49 AM
Good morning Stephanie. I'm a long term blurker, and I wanted to say how much I appreciate your humour and grace and inspiration. I generally don't comment (anywhere) as I really try to limit my online time because it cuts into my 'real' time, but when I'm here, I always enjoy reading your blog.
Today I have plans to finish knitting my last Christmas gifts, make gingerbread with my girls and spend as much time as I can with my sister and her boyfriend, whom I never see often enough.
Take care of yourself and hold your dear ones close.
Posted by: Cheryl | 12/22/2012 at 08:50 AM
We put service into our December even before the Sandy Hook shootings and it's made me ENJOY this month and the holiday more than ever before. I will be continuing it because it makes me step out of my box and focus on my family and others, which makes me not focus on me :) Merry Christmas friend!
Posted by: emily pitts | 12/22/2012 at 08:52 AM
First of all, I love your new blog header, it's so pretty. As a google reader, I hadn't clicked through in a while. ;)
Second, thank you again for your blog. I look forward to your posts because you have such a sweet family, funny stories yet you always seem to keep it real. Sincerity is a rare commodity in blogland these days, especially in parenting and crafting circles, and I love yours. Plus, your girls always make me smile! (And I totally identify with the need to hide away with a glass of wine every now and again for my own sanity. Reason below!)
So, onto your request. Now I'm going to keep it real. Honestly, right now, I'm a little overwhelmed in life. Not with buying gifts or mailing them off or anything in the Christmas aspect, I had that done surprisingly early for once!
We just moved to a new state, far away from family and friends and everyone, and I have a five month old daughter (first baby!). Hubs is working in a new job he really enjoys, so I have a lot for which I'm grateful, but it's just rough being in a new place by myself in a totally new life role as a mom. Every other time I've moved, I've had a job and it was easier to meet and interact with people. Now, it's a little harder and I just feel a little out of sorts and isolated. Maybe a touch of the baby blues setting in a few months after the adrenaline of having a little one and moving cross country has faded away. It's strange for me, I'm an emotional person, but not THIS emotional. I admit, I'm praying a lot more than I ever have in the past. It's a bump in the road that's taking a little bit to get over.
Onto the good, though. I am supremely thankful for my daughter's good health, a loving husband, and a great family (albeit far away), so there is much that I have that others don't. It snowed this weekend, my first white Christmas after spending all of my holidays in warm climates! So exciting.
We're headed off to the angel tree ourselves in a little while, good luck with your 26 acts!
Thank you for the post and I'm wishing you and your family the merriest of Christmases.
Posted by: Megan | 12/22/2012 at 08:53 AM
I was just thinking that I need to get off my iPad and get ready for the day, but I'll play along.
My 10 year old daughter had a friend spend the night last night, and this morning we'll all go downtown and go ice skating.
That's not something that happens very often down here in South Carolina (it's a temporary ice rink in front of the art museum), so we're very excited!
I've been working on #26 acts as I can. I think it's such a great thing to do at a dark time like this.
Happy Holidays, all!
Posted by: Jan B. | 12/22/2012 at 08:54 AM
I sm guilty of being a blurker! But I will step up to the plate and say hello today. I was horrified when I heard of the shootings in Newton. My dear sweet little granddaughter is in kindergarten this year and I volunteer my time to help in her class because her parents work fulltime and cannot do it. I shudder to think of all of those little ones not being around. I went to her first christmas concert last tuesday. They all come onto the stage and freeze when they see all the people looking at them, then they try to find and wave at their parents or grandparents, It's just so cute. I love them all!Now I am rambling. Have a merry christmas Stephanie, you and your family. All the best for the coming 2013. My dh and I have been married for 38 yrs and we are off to St. Lucia for 2 weeks in february to celebrate! We will enjoy christmas with our 2 wonderful daughters and their hubbies, and our sweet gd. It's cold here and we have lots of snow so I can hardly wait to get somewhere warm for awhie! You take care.
Posted by: Cheryl | 12/22/2012 at 08:55 AM
Did not know about 26 acts but am excited to start. Just sitting here enjoying my first Christmas with my entire family. Enjoying having a believer in my house for Christmas. Enjoying having a child to entertain with my elf. Enjoying life in general! Thank you for your positive post I love it! Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!!!
Posted by: Alissa | 12/22/2012 at 08:55 AM
Good morning(ish) Stephanie! I am a blurker and clicked through :) Did Lucy have courage to face Santa too? I am praying today for a healthy baby, because I am just 6 weeks pregnant with my 1st, and we were going to do a trip to Israel, but now I am blessed to begin my family earlier than we thought! I don't know if you felt this way with Harper, but since it's our first, I feel so amazed at this miracle, wondering how will I have a little baby at the end of this!? Feeling so blessed and grateful!! I hope your family has a blessed Christmas and happy New Year!!
Posted by: Emily Muto | 12/22/2012 at 08:56 AM
Hello. I am a blurker coming out of hiding :). Things have been quiet here this week. My daughter and I are attending a wedding this afternoon! My DH is going to stay home with our 3 year old. It's a rather informal affair, but I don't trust my buddy boy to behave, LOL. So DD and I will attend. I will probably cry and then I will eat cake. It will be good.
I am looking forward to Christmas Day. I have all the gifts ready and wrapped. My daughter has finished her shopping and my husband is off work until the 27th. I love it. All the time together. Beautiful.
I think I will cut some snowflakes this weekend. And mail them off soon. I must have a really good crew on Facebook. I am always uplifted by the prayers and the posts and forwards. I guess I've weeded it down to the enjoyable and uplifting, LOL!
I hope you have a Merry Merry Christmas!
Amanda J.
Posted by: Amanda J. | 12/22/2012 at 09:01 AM
Stephanie- I love your blog. Your girls are darling and your husband, well... he is one of our priceless American Treasures!
After hearing about Walter Reed asking for holiday cards, here's what I did!
That's the final post... if you want to see my original post, go back a couple of posts.
Thanks for always saying what some of us aren't brave enough to say, and thanks for being a GREAT example of how women can be successful in their personal and professional life. Most of all... thanks for being a shining role model for all young moms. You ROCK IT!
Posted by: Lynn Warner | 12/22/2012 at 09:11 AM
I've braved the supermarket to finish the grocery shopping. I've helped my little one with his holiday homework. I've finished the ironing. I've changed the beds. I've a heavy heart when thinking about Sandy Hook and seeing evidence in the media of all those funerals.
I wish you and yours the most wonderful Christmas.
Posted by: Ruth | 12/22/2012 at 09:12 AM
You are so right Stephanie. I'm thankful when my family walks through the door everyday. I've always told my family love you but it means more now. Oh by the way I'm a blogurker.
Posted by: Steph R | 12/22/2012 at 09:13 AM
What an adorable photo! We live in CT and were all deeply shaken by that horrific event. I keep seeing my kids as first graders and remembering the loving teachers they had at the time (and all through their public school days). I'm participating in #26Acts. In fact, my 18 year old daughter, home on college break, is going to participate with me. An idea that we saw online somewhere was to put dollar bills in ziploc bags and leave them in the toy section of the Dollar Store, with notes attached to buy a little treat. We are also going to spend some time baking and bring the treats to the elementary school the girls attended, which is just around the corner from our house, tape some coins to a vending machine (she's going to do this one when she gets back to school) and leave some treats for our mail carrier. We are still working on our list.
Looking forward to more details about your BPC class ~ I am a long-time fan of your blog and your heartfelt layouts so I will definitely be taking your class. Warm wishes to you and your family for a lovely holiday season!
Posted by: SusanB | 12/22/2012 at 09:13 AM
i am a sometime commenter because most of the times i read blogs in the morning before work and don't always have time to comment.
i too am truly sad about the newtown shootings. cannot even imagine what the whole town is going through. it has to be hard on those poor students who were there that day. praying for peace for them.
in my little world, just trying to get the holidays together. food prep, presents, etc.
trying to remember to slow down and enjoy seeing my 13 month nephew enjoy christmas and see the wonder in his eyes.
looking forward to going to zoo lights tonight with my family.
merry christmas!
Posted by: dana a. | 12/22/2012 at 09:14 AM
Hee hee, you are the best. This made me giggle :) You = My hero.
At our house we all have colds. Baha! Wouldn't be Christmas if we were all healthy, right? ;)
Yesterday, me and my mama went to the mall to find my mama a dress for my friend's wedding that's next week and we found one at Nordy's that was the best one she tried on and it was ON SALE. Winning!!!
Yes, none of this is terribly interesting, but you DID ask :)
Merry Christmas to the Howell clan!!! xoxoxo
Posted by: Bridget Lynch | 12/22/2012 at 09:14 AM
I'm still reading! We are spending the holiday in Central Oregon teaching our 4 and 6 yr olds to ski. We are staying in a small house that only has one tv, in the main room, and it's amazing how much time we spend hanging out together. Yes, we are being quite liberal with the tv but it's kind of like a special vacation treat. :). Usually we are scattered throughout our own house and usually I am telling the kids to play in their room, so this is a nice change. There is also tons of snow which makes it feel like a true winter getaway.
Our friend's piano teacher has her winter recital at a senior center rather than in her home or at a music store. I thought that was a really good idea and one I had never heard.
I thought it was funny that you asked your readers to tell you what they are doing. In my mind, I thought, "why would she want to know what strangers are doing?", but that is exactly what I am doing when I read your blog! Ha! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas!
Posted by: EvelynB | 12/22/2012 at 09:19 AM
Things get quiet at Christmas. I know I haven't had time for anything this year. This week has been party after party it's wearing me out.
Posted by: Katie | 12/22/2012 at 09:21 AM
A blurker from snowy Ottawa, Ontario, Canada! Been working, been sick, no where near ready for Christmas. But that stuff doesn't matter. Sad beyond words for our American friends... I'm looking forward to spending time with family and friends, loading them up with love. :-). We're also dog sitting this Christmas and we are pretty excited about that, esp. my daughter. I just want her to be happy.
Loved your picture of your sweet girl with Santa. Have yourself a Merry little Christmas. How could you not with all those gorgeous girls!
Posted by: Marianne | 12/22/2012 at 09:22 AM
Hi Stephanie,
I'm a total lurker. This week was hard. My husband teaches at an elementary school and I'm a brownie leader. I just kept thinking about Sandy Hook.. My brownies are making snowflakes to send to the new sandy hook school.
Every year for my b-day I do as many random acts of kindness as years that I am old. I think the most touching for me was the last one I did ths year. I was at Walmart (i hate Walmart) and when I was walking out there was a little girl asking her mum for money to play a game and the mum telling her that she didn't have any money.. I gave her a dollar and when I walked by she was SO happy playing that game. I hope your weekend is peaceful and fun!
Posted by: Amy ferguson | 12/22/2012 at 09:37 AM
A bit of a blurker ;) I started reading your blog as a recommendation by my sister when my husband was on his third deployment, the second we went through together, but the first as a married couple. I love the way you capture the highs and lows of military life, that you used to be a teacher, and of course your lovely scrap booking! Anywho, that's not what this is about, I just wanted you to know that this 'little' blog of yours has been the bright spot many times in my life :)
What I'm up to? As a high school teacher this week was strange and hard, and I would be lying if I said I didn't cry for my students every night this week. They are my kids, all 210 of them and I cannot imagine the depths of sorrow being experienced by that community. I will tell you this though, this week has reaffirmed for me that this was the correct career choice- our kids are awesome. I cannot tell you how incredible teenagers are. They are full of some really big dreams, and heart and passion. So this week has been tough but also incredible. My students are wise beyond their years and are incredibly compassionate. They inspire me daily.
I'm slowing down and trying to soak up time with friends and family and spend more time in peace and prayer. Looking forward to a full calendar this week, not because it is full but because each 'item' on my calendar has to do with spending time with people I love the most. What better way to 'busy' yourself?
Merry Christmas to your family! Thanks for the chat. I needed it :)
Posted by: summer | 12/22/2012 at 09:37 AM
I love the perspective you bring...your blog is a blessing...truly! Sent my 16 year old and my hubs off to ski...baking cookies with my 13 year old today...enjoying Christmas break...hosting Christmas eve and glad to be with family. I lost my grandfather right after Thanksgiving and we all will be missing him but celebrating that he is in a heavenly home!
Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family!
Posted by: Kristine | 12/22/2012 at 09:38 AM
Totally enjoying the Christmas spirit here in FL in our new home. Thankful that I have been able to be a SAHM for Joseph, who is now 10, and praying that I am able to find a good job now that it is time to go back to work. Enjoying our elf, Sandy's antics, thrilled that Joseph is totally still into her. So sad, for those parents who are spending Christmas (and the rest of their lives) without a beloved child. Honestly, I had been trying NOT to read about them, NOT to dwell on this tragedy. But then I realized, those parents don't get the luxury the rest of us have, to forget for a moment, the horrible events of that day. And that I think that is what Satan wants us to do, to forget, to be disconnected from others, to not share in the pain and sorrow of those that are hurting. I truly think that is what is wrong with this world, our instant ability to disconnect with those around us. So I made myself read those stories, cry for those children, and their parents, and in the process, remind myself EVERY DAY how fortunate I am to be a mother, and a wife (of a soldier, who is home, safe, with me this holiday), and to not let myself hide from those scary events, that I don't know how I would face. My goal for this next year is to try each day, to purposely do one thing to show the love that Christ has for me, by showing my love for others. Acts of kindness and mercy, if you will. Not the be-all/end-all, but a place to start to try to make a difference in my little corner of this world. Merry Christmas, Stephanie!
Posted by: Sonya R | 12/22/2012 at 09:41 AM
Blurker here:) Love hearing your family stories. We recently moved to a new city away from family and friends and its been so hard. I don't know how you do it....really. My husband has work, my kiddiees school and they all seem to be adjusting. Me not so much. We are "home" for the long weekend and its so nice, but feels different. Hmmm, enough complaining. I have happy healthy children and a great hubby. Thanks for blogging, it brightens my day.
Posted by: Amy Gomez | 12/22/2012 at 09:44 AM
I don't have much family - my Mom passed in April and my sister and I had a falling out about the funeral so its my brother and me since my other brother, sister and father passed in 2004. There were 7 of us and now 2 (and also my divorce 3 years ago). Its quiet, 1 gift to buy and I can start feeling lonely and well, pitiful. But instead I bought gifts for 2 charity events, which was hectic but fun. And I am grateful that life is not stressed out right now rushing around buying. I've bought a few things for myself. And on FB on Thursday I posted that I was starting vacation and listed a few things I was going to do... do you know 30 something people have commented or liked it - several folks I haven't heard from in ages. It was shocking and fun and nice. Just a simple status post and bam - all kinds of nice thoughts. I'm focusing on what I have right now and not what I don't. When I'm feeling lonesome - I reach out, make some calls.
Posted by: Peggy Lucas | 12/22/2012 at 09:45 AM
You know I love and admire you and wish you and yours the most loving, happy and peaceful Christmas ever this year. The tragedy at Newtown has really affected our nation and I guess we're just quiet because of that and busy schedules. I'm never to busy to check in on you -- love your spirit and creativity. You are always an inspiration.
Vickey E. in GA
Posted by: Vickey E. | 12/22/2012 at 09:46 AM