it's been a while since i've shared photos of the babies/twinners (bahaha) and talked about what they are up to.
these photos are from a while back at the corn maze. i never shared them and i wanted to today.
so...i know everyone thinks they have the cutest baby in the world. but honest to blog I DO. i have the cutest babies in the entire universe. and that is a fact.
i mean...just look at them!

they are HILARIOUS. and wild. they are into everything. they climb and throw and destroy. they are baby godzillas.
they can destroy our home in 10 seconds flat. and they do so on a daily (hourly?) basis.
they love snacks.
and bath time.
and elmo. they love each other so much.
unless they are beating each other up. yes. they are like the 2 stooges. face slapping,tackling,hair pulling, licking. it is out of control.
they have insane amounts of hair. crazy hair.

i tie it in tiny topknots every morning. cate somehow has a ratted birds nest in the back of her hair in the same spot every single day.
their favorite words are NO and CWY(color). they like to point and yell no at us in surround sound. it's pretty awesome. not.
they are picky and stubborn. they don't talk much so i usually can't figure out what they are mad about. but they get MAD.
they say "sheshe" and "cake" for lucy and cate.
they freak out if we separate them. i once tried to take ONE baby to the grocery store and an epic meltdown ensued. i took both. if cate wakes up from nap first, i take her downstairs and she spends the entire time walking around with a furrowed brow,tilted head,and puzzled facial expression saying "sheshe? sheshe?".
they think that they can do everything themselves. and they do not like you telling them otherwise.
they like to clean up clean up (deedup deedup) with a baby wipe. they will go full "cinderelley" and wipe the floor all day. they also like to throw random things in the trash. which is helpful. :)
they love music and dancing.
and their big sisters.
they like to kiss you on the lips while holding your face in their little hands.
they can throw themselves to the floor, limbs flailing,angrily screaming,limp nothing i've ever seen before.
and in one week from tomorrow they will be two.
how did that happen? y'all i can't even tell you how much i love them. they are so precious. our lives have been so changed by them. they are exhausting and beautiful.
i love you cate and lucy.

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