(photo has nothing to do with the post, but these peonies are making me smile today and i can't have a post without a photo, now can i? :)
when they say: "do you run a daycare or something?"
i say: "and this is only HALF of them!"
when they say: "do they all have the same daddy?"
i say: "all except that one!" and point at one of the twins.snicker. this is very funny to me, since they look identical. also, it doesn't take much to entertain me right now.
when they say:"your hands are FULL!"
i say: "yes, they are.literally.would you mind opening the door?"
when they say: "i feel sorry for you!"
i say: "oh, please don't!"
when they say: "are you #&*$ing crazy?"- my personal favorite response i've gotten thus far!
i say: "yes i am. a little bit." and then i make crazy eyes. and cate, well she's always making crazy eyes. and then i laugh.
when they say: "how do you do it?"
i say: "prayer. constant prayer. oh, and wine doesn't hurt!"
when they hold the door open for me or say "can i help you?" or tell me they are beautiful, or that i am lucky, or that they couldn't do it, but that they wish they could
i say: simply..."thank you". and sometimes i have to restrain myself from hugging them. especially these days when i have one foot in the loony bin. a little kindness goes a really really long way.
i used to not really think about what i said to people. i talk to EVERYONE. that's just my personality. i can talk to a wall. i have on several occasions!
i think people want to try to connect, to start a conversation, but sometimes don't know what to say. one thing having four children under 5.5 has taught me, is think before you speak.
when you see a mom with two baby carriers, hair in her face, sunglasses falling to the concrete, one foot stuck in the *&#* stroller while she tries to collapse it, groceries spilling out of the van, tears in her eyes (not that this has ever happened to me yeah right)...
it's much kinder to simply smile, lend a hand, put a grocery bag in the trunk,
than it is to say "i'd kill myself if i was you".
true story. that's been said to me several times.
trial and error have taught me that the best response is a smile. and something like "i am one lucky girl".
usually that works. in the case of the people that have said they'd kill themselves, i'm usually so taken aback i stop and say "why?".
and they say something like "four girls? and twins? and a husband that is always gone? i'd die". and i get they are trying to connect. but that ain't the way to do it.
i truly feel that i am married to my hero. and i have four HEALTHY children. it's a gift.
i know it's not for everyone. it's certainly not a path i thought i'd ever be on! but i'm on it, baby! and determined to take this path with a smile.
and some day tears. true story. but mostly smiles.
also, another thing that works is sadie saying something totally inappropriate at these times. last time she randomly said something about poop. which i would normally frown upon...but it just worked at that moment.
hope your day is gorgeous!
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