first, i wanted to share photos of the girls from this weekend.
we took them to the national infantry museum to have their photo taken with santa,
and then to the IMAX 3D showing of Polar Express...the day was a big hit with both girls.
we were the first people there to see santa (best santa EVER by the way), and the photographer was late...
they let me take my own photos. YAY!!! much better than the posed 8 dollar shot in my book.

isn't he the best? so glad i got to use my camera!
before we left the house, the girls (well, by girls i mean h, since s wasn't really participating) let me take some portraits of them.
someone loves the camera. a little bit too much, me thinks.
closest to a normal photo i got of the two of them. how much does s look like her daddy here??
if i could capture sadie perfectly in a photo, this would be it.
sadie is always getting smooshed. ;)
so that was our day sunday, so much fun and such a special family date.
i want to try to do that, or something similar, each year.
one last thing, i want to share the sneak peeks of this months SC kit, whodunit.
i purchased the "in the billiard room" add-on, but i also already had bits and pieces from the candlestick addon.
i only had time to do 3 layouts this month, but i love them dearly.
and please take note that
a. i used stamps on two of them...what???
b. one is a two pager.
so there you go!
hope you have a beautiful tuesday!