I'm stuck in a really weird place, y'all.
A place where I love to look at all of my pretty scrap supplies, but rarely use them.
A place where I got rid of about 3/4 of my supplies so I don't feel so overwhelmed, where I move paper around but never glue anything.
Layouts don't feel like "me" anymore, but I'm not really interested in Project Life.
I love using my supplies for gift wrapping, though.
I've come to the realization that for now, I enjoy little notebooks, journals and minis.
A place to gather snippets and thoughts, but much less traditional than what I used to make.

And it's really weird to be honest. I don't know exactly what happened. I just quit making stuff and then I waited longer and longer and then I just stopped. Completely.
And I really miss it but I don't know if it will ever be the same way that it used to be.
And you know what? That's okay. I'm still meeting my creative needs, even though it's lunchbox notes and not layouts.
I have a ridiculous amount of 12x12 albums that are stuffed to the gills. And they are HEAVY. And I have to move them all over this world. And I'm kind of tired of that. But the other day I walked into my craft room (soon to be baby room) and Harper was curled into an armchair flipping through my albums and the joy on her face was affirmation.
I'm so glad that I have all of those pages.
And I don't want to never make one again. I truly don't!
But now I have my blog. And Instagram. And Artifact Uprising books. And journals. And a million photos. And minis. There isn't guilt, y'all.
But there is a longing. My heart misses it. And I think that means that I will make pages again soon. I don't think I will ever make big 12x12 pages with one photo again, though. It's just too much.
I got too caught up in the stuff and the expectations. Too caught up in what everyone else was doing and saying and selling and making. I lost the joy.
So that's where I am. In limbo. Wanting to make, but not sure how or what. Slowly finding my way back. Piece by piece, photo by photo.
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