Four is hands down the cutest age for these two.
I know, I know...I said that at one and two and three and at three and a half. But four is by FAR the cutest.
They are absolutely hilarious. But when they throw a fit...oh LORD can they throw a fit.
Lucy has long amazingly beautiful hair. She LOVES her hair. She loves having people do it for her (me, her teacher), she loves choosing headbands, she loves braids. She loves to toss it over her shoulder.
Cate's hair is much thinner but she was born to have shoulder length hair. I marvel at the fact that we didn't see it sooner and that it took the gum incident for us to cut it. She loves tucking it behind her ears and it's the most adorable thing ever.
Lucy's a comedian. She loves to eat, she moans the entire time. She burps. A lot. And the burps are BIG. And we laugh every single time.
Cate's more dainty. She's very conscious of her manners and how she comes across to others. She embarrasses easily.
They are both so giving with their affection. They love to climb in my lap, throw their arms around my neck, and kiss me. They hold my face, stare into my eyes, and tell me they love me.
They say "I like you so much!" "I like you to the sky!" and for them this is the most they could ever imagine loving someone.
It means something when they tell you this.
They are best friends, inseperable, but they can fight like darn maniacs too.
They are absolutely EDIBLE. I want to eat them right up. I can't get enough of them. I smell their hair, kiss their plump cheeks, hold them tight.
They mispronounce some words and I'm loathe to correct them. Not for a long time, anyway.
"aggagic" (attic)
"airleal" (Ariel)
ephephant (Lucy) / enephant (cate)
They are so loved by their sisters. They play in pairs all day long. They are the darlings and the sunshine of this family and I can't even for a moment imagine what life would be like with them.
They are all smiles. And big eyes. Impish faces and beautiful hair.
They are joy. Pure and utter joy.
Yes, four is the BEST.
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